Coffee shop

Cafeteria is a hospitality establishment where snacks and meals are served , generally mixed dishes and not hot food itself. A cafeteria shares some characteristics with a bar and others with a restaurant.

The tradition of coffee as a meeting place, to discuss, to spend time, and not just a place to consume, is representative of some cities in the world. Cities such as Paris, Vienna, London belong to this tradition in western culture, where time is spent with the excuse of coffee, while in coffee-consuming countries like Italy the time spent on the site is minimal.


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  • 1 Story
  • 2 Other Countries
  • 3 Curiosities
  • 4 Source


The first coffee shops began to open in Istanbul in 1550 , the number of which grew rapidly. These establishments were meeting points for the Turks who met to discuss men’s issues and thus be able to escape from everyday life. Although the sultans tried on many occasions to ban coffee shops, they failed to obtain positive results, since that would have damaged the high tax they obtained from the coffee trade in Europe and the territories of the Roman Empire .

Soon the custom of coffee shops exclusively for Turks spread to the territories of the Balkans occupied by them, and it is presumed that the concept entered Christian Europe through the Kingdom of Hungary, since it constantly acted as a mediator between the Holy Empire. Germanic Roman and the Ottoman Empire.1 Among one of the first European coffee shops established based on the Turks was in 1624, in Venice, known as La Bottega del Caffé.

Other countries

Later the concept spread widely throughout Europe and in 1652 the first of the later famous Parisian cafes with the name of Café Procope was installed in Paris , frequented by famous men such as Voltaire, Diderot, Rousseau and Benjamin Franklin among others. In 1692 the first cafeteria was opened in the city of London. Then the same would happen in Berlin, in Vienna and Budapest. Cafeterias became meeting places for philosophers and intellectuals, where ideas were discussed and exchanged. The character of coffee shops as a place of human contact and conversation remains to this day. In Spain, in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuriesIntellectuals also began to meet in cafeterias, some of which today are authentic institutions: Café Zurich (Barcelona, ​​1862), 2 Café Gijón Madrid , 1888), Cafè Iruña (Pamplona, ​​1888.3 and Bilbao, 19034). ), Café Novelty (Salamanca, 1905) or Café de Fornos (Madrid, 1907) among others.



International companies such as Starbucks have popularized the concept and culture of coffee by installing some 5,000 coffee shops around the world, inspired by the most beautiful coffee shops in the world where the oldest and most famous city of light “Paris” are located. The custom of drinking coffee in the western world is relatively new (dating back only about 300 years). However, coffee and its adherents have been around for a long time.

Can you imagine how long ago coffee was discovered? The first definitive archaeological evidence dates back to 800 BC (more than 2800 years ago). Homer and several Arab legends refer to coffee, so it must have existed.


by Abdullah Sam
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