All about the cloud computing concept

Understanding the concept of cloud computing is very simple, really!

Think of everything you can do on your computer with your files and applications.

For example: if you need to find a text file, you can do a search, or browse the folders, or even know where it is and go straight to it. Or, if you want to open an application, a payroll issuing software: you click on the software icon there, it opens, you type what needs to be informed and generate your payroll without problems.

Well, the concept of cloud computing is basically the same, with 3 minor differences.

  1. The cloud storage capacity is huge! Your hard drive will never be crowded or slow.
  2. You can access your files wherever you are (just have internet). From home, at work, on the bus, on the plane or in a spaceship (if you have a signal), you access the document or application you want and the device you are using (tablet, smartphone, notebook, etc.).
  3. Everyone can access the same files (if authorized by the author) and view, comment and even edit (if authorized). No need to have a bunch of duplicate spreadsheets with old versions and duplicate documents, one on each machine.

Damn it! That’s good, huh? Did this concept of cloud computing surprise you? Well know that this is just the tip of the iceberg of everything it can offer you!

We will present in this file some other advantages of cloud computing and also explain a little better how it all works.

How the cloud computing concept works

Don’t worry, your company’s data and information is not floating around, that’s not what they mean when they speak in the cloud.

In fact, giants in the information technology industry, such as Google and Microsoft, just to give you a few examples, have giant installations around the world where they host your company’s files with all the security necessary to avoid data loss or failure and access interruptions .

You log into these services using a password and can save your files there, just as you can on your computer, by dragging and dropping them into a folder.

In most cases there is an excellent search engine, an intuitive and easy to operate interface and the saved files can be of the most varied formats and sizes.

But the advantages of cloud computing don’t stop there, no!

There are applications in the cloud, called SaaS (Software as a Service), which you can use directly from servers in the cloud, without having to install anything on your machine, check out:

The concept of cloud computing and software as a service

Imagine the example we gave of payroll. Now, instead of buying software and installing it on your company’s machines, using your own database and taking up huge space, think about doing it remotely.

The advantages are immense, as all employees who work with this will have access to a unified base, without duplication, with much less errors and will be able to work from wherever they are.

Usually these services are paid for with a monthly subscription, but many of them offer a free version, for a limited time or with some less features, totally free, is what is called the Freemium service: “premium” quality for a price “ free ”.

You may not have noticed, but apps like Facebook, LinkedIn and Waze are Software as a Sevice.

Advantages of cloud computing

As you may have noticed, this concept of cloud computing only has advantages. Let’s list some of them so that you can understand this subject even better:

  • Team integration , which can collaboratively share and edit files together.
  • Mobility: access files and applications from anywhere, with different types of devices.
  • Creativity and innovation: the more different opinions and diversity of ideas shared quickly, the better and more innovative the results.
  • Transparency: the information and documents are available to all those authorized to do so and who need them.
  • Agility and speed in the exchange of information.
  • Security: companies that provide cloud computing services follow the strictest procedures and protocols on the market.
  • Less costs: no having to buy huge servers for your data.
  • There is no need to maintain systems and software.
  • Automatic backups, no time wasted.
  • Updates are developed and made available automatically and without having to install them on each machine.

As you saw, the concept of cloud computing is here to stay. Today, more than a competitive advantage, cloud computing is the minimum expected from a modern company that wants to make its processes more agile and efficient. This is a new way for entrepreneurs to view Information Technology


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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