Citizen education In Cuba

Citizen education. Citizen training is a process that is part of the socialization of individuals whose purpose is education in social values, such as responsibility and participation, that cooperate in the development of solidarity behaviors, based on full identification with the community and the community. respect for coexistence.

All institutions and organizations with educational functions of the community are called to collaborate in this purpose, where the churches also play a significant role. Although the Presbyterian-Reformed Church in Cuba has been working on the insertion of its parishioners in the communal context, some contradictions can be found that weaken this intention.


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  • 1 Citizen training
  • 2 Citizen formation from the vision of the prebisterian church
  • 3 Projection of citizen training in Cuba
  • 4 Sources

Citizen education

In Cuba, through time dissimilar efforts have been made by the educational community, with the purpose of perfecting the citizenship behaviors of the people in general, and especially of children, including: textbooks for primary schools , teacher training, parent training workshops, socio-political programs promoted by the different institutions, as well as various publications and television programs that stand for this purpose. Perhaps one of the best known is ” University for All “, which in 2005 offered the course “Ethics and Society”, in its first edition.

This has the purpose of approaching the tele-audience, from the study of ethics , morals and human values, to inform specialists and the people in general, about the great transformations that have been developing in relation to this science and the importance of an education that prepares younger generations for a better performance in society. In the Ethics-Education section a series of lectures is offered on “ Ethics , civics and education”, Where he exposes his considerations about citizen training, which he recognizes as” a part of the process of socialization of individuals whose purpose is education in prevailing social values ​​and universal human that regulate coexistence and social participation from an ethical perspective , political and legal determined.

The obligation of all institutions and organizations with educational functions of the community to maintain the balance of the relationship between duties and citizens’ rights. Of course, the home and the school are those that have to face this task with the greatest strength, since this responsibility cannot be supplanted by any other. In turn, it is seen that there are no contradictions between the fulfillment of constitutional duties and the practice of Christianity, which implies an adequate balance in the development of a faith committed to the society in which one lives.

Working on the formation of values ​​such as citizen responsibility and participation is not the prerogative of a single institution or organization, it is the task of all. The commitment is shared.

Citizen training is a process that is part of the socialization of individuals whose purpose is education in social values, such as responsibility and participation, that cooperate in the development of solidarity behaviors, based on full identification with the community and the community. respect for coexistence. All institutions and organizations with educational functions of the community are called to collaborate in this purpose, where the churches also play a significant role. Although the Presbyterian-Reformed Church in Cuba has been working on the insertion of its parishioners in the communal context, some contradictions can be found that weaken this intention.

Citizen formation from the vision of the prebisterian church

Citizen training begins early, from birth, as part of the process of socialization of individuals, and its fundamental purpose is to offer human beings a series of ethical values ​​that help them in their full development as an indissoluble part of the place where they live. This endowment includes the implementation of behaviors that allow a harmonious coexistence, where it is expected that people are more aware of the value of living together with their peers and contributing their best to community development.

The achievement of this aspiration belongs to the joint work of all institutions and organizations, and the Cuban Presbyterian-Reformed churches, which have been growing gradually since 1990 , belong to this group and carry out an indisputable educational work in the community. This condition should alert them to their responsibility to contribute to civic education, thus helping people to prepare to assume their role as an inseparable part of the community. As regards children, this issue occupies greater importance, since all educational spaces – formal and informal – contribute to this end.

In the specific case of some of these churches, sometimes there are contradictions, because a dichotomous interpretation of the relationship between Christians and the world prevails, which can lead to the parishioners to downplay the place where they live, thus dismissing the sociocultural environment. On the other hand, it is observed that girls and boys sometimes show inappropriate behaviors with regard to formal education during the time they remain in churches, which reveals the urgency of finding alternatives that improve situations like these.

Such reasons call for a study to be carried out in three Presbyterian-Reformed churches, two in Havana and one in Matanzas, with a population of 61 girls and boys between 9-11 years of age, and a sample of 42, in order to These describe the people who behave as good citizens, specifying the behaviors that should characterize them.

The issue of citizenship training in childhood has become vitally important in recent times when the physical and spiritual stability of the human being is increasingly threatened, due to the excessive stimulation of individualistic and unscrupulous behaviors that do not favor the manifestation of traditional values . In this way, negative attitudes are stimulated that harm good human relationships, threaten the care of social property and prey on the resources of nature, regardless of the negative consequences that such behaviors cause. Therefore, it is necessary to search for alliances that allow strengthening citizen training programs at different levels,

Projection of citizen training in Cuba

In Cuba, through time dissimilar efforts have been made by the educational community, with the purpose of perfecting the citizenship behaviors of the people in general, and especially of children, including: textbooks for primary schools , teacher training, parent training workshops, socio-political programs promoted by the different institutions, as well as different publications and television programs that stand for this purpose.

Perhaps one of the best known is “University for All”, which in 2005 offered the “Ethics and Society” course, in its first edition. This has the purpose of approaching the tele-audience, from the study of ethics, morals and human values, to inform specialists and the people in general, about the great transformations that have been developing in relation to this science and the importance of an education that prepares the younger generations for a better performance in society.

Thus, in the Ethics-Education section of the course, the pedagogue Regla Silva offers a series of conferences on “Ethics, civics and education”, where she exposes her considerations about citizenship training, which she recognizes as “a part of the process of socialization of individuals whose purpose is education in prevailing social and universal human values ​​that regulate coexistence and social participation from a specific ethical, political and legal perspective. ” It should be noted that in her studies, this researcher considers that citizen behavior requires a series of values, including participation and responsibility.

The obligation of all institutions and organizations with educational functions of the community to maintain the balance of the relationship between duties and citizens’ rights. Of course, the home and the school are those that have to face this task with the greatest strength, since this responsibility cannot be supplanted by any other. In turn, it is seen that there are no contradictions between the fulfillment of constitutional duties and the practice of Christianity, which implies an adequate balance in the development of a faith committed to the society in which one lives.

Working on the formation of values ​​such as responsibility and citizen participation is not the prerogative of a single institution or organization, it is the task of all. The commitment is shared. Therefore, this work can contribute to the gradual elimination of some barriers that still persist between the evangelical churches and the rest of the educational community, thus allowing a greater understanding to be achieved on the part of both, in the need to unite in the same end in regard to citizen training in Cuba.

Citizen training is a process that is part of the socialization of individuals whose purpose is education in social values, such as responsibility and participation, that cooperate in the development of caring behaviors, based on a full identification with the community and the community. respect for coexistence. In this purpose, all institutions and organizations with educational functions of the community are called to collaborate, where the churches also play a significant role. Although the Presbyterian-Reformed Church in Cuba has been working on the insertion of its parishioners in the communal context, some contradictions can be found that weaken this intention.


by Abdullah Sam
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