Economic-social training

Economic-social training. Historical type of society based on a certain mode of production and appeared as a link in the progressive development of humanity , which passes from the primitive community regime , through the slave regime , feudalism and capitalism to communist formation .

The capitalist mode of production is never found in its pure form in society. It is combined with various types of social relationships. This combination is called “socio-economic training”. This allows us to understand what is specific and unrepeatable in each society and what is common and generic together with the others. This concept allows us to articulate the general and the particular of capitalism , logic and history, gender and species, the common and the unrepeatable.


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  • 1 Cornerstone of the materialistic conception of history
  • 2 Single social organization
  • 3 Capitalism and Communism
  • 4 Sources

Cornerstone of the materialistic conception of history

The concept of “socio-economic formation” is due to Marxism and constitutes the cornerstone of the materialist conception of history . It makes it possible, first of all, to distinguish the periods of history from each other and to investigate historical events within the framework of certain formations, instead of engaging in lucubrations about “society in general”; secondly, it makes it possible to group the regimes of the different countries that are at the same stage of production development (for example, England , France , the United States , GermanyOccidental, who are all capitalists, etc.) and discover what is in common in those countries, which means using in research the general scientific criterion of reiteration, whose application to the Social Sciences has been denied by subjectivists; thirdly, and in front of the eclectic theories that conceive society as a mechanical set of social phenomena (the family , the State , the Church , etc.) and the historical process as a result of the influence of various factors (natural and instruction, development of trade, birth of a genius, etc.).

Single social organism

The concept of “socio-economic formation” makes it possible to consider human society, in each period of its evolution, as a single “social organism”, which includes in itself all social phenomena in their organic unity and in their reciprocal action on the basis of the mode of production. The productive forces constitute the material and technical base of society; the relations of production , its economic structure or base.

The ideas, the ideological relations, as well as the institutions and organizations of different kinds that arose from the base, form the superstructure of the society; finally, the language, the family, the concrete historical communities of men (tribe, people, nation) etc., constitute social phenomena of a special character that do not belong to the base or the superstructure, but that are of essential importance to understand the concrete development of this or that formation. Each socio-economic formation has its own laws of birth and evolution. At the same time, in each formation act the general laws that concatenate the formations in the unique process of world history.

Capitalism and Communism

Capitalist society is the last of the formations that are based on class antagonism. With it the prehistory of humanity comes to an end.

The communist formation, which affirms peace, work, freedom, equality and happiness for all men on Earth, for the first time in history creates the conditions for an unlimited development of society on the basis of accelerated growth. of the productive forces. The authentic history of humanity begins.


by Abdullah Sam
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