If your child wants a dog (or a cat): how to behave

Benefits and criticalities of having a pet: divided between pros and cons, parents often find themselves in difficulty. Here’s how to consciously face an important and responsible choice, even for the little ones.

The benefits of keeping a pet with you are many not only on a psychological level but also on a physical and relational level.

The choice of adopting an animal  to let into one’s home, often a dog or a cat, is something that “divides” many families with respect to the positive aspects and the beauty of having a new member in the family, and the possible problems that this entails .

Doubts increase if it is a child who requests an animal , especially if a child, perhaps pretending to unhinge the daily routine and the choices made up to the moment with respect to this topic.

So what are the pros and cons of having a pet ? How to behave in front of this request?

Rule number one: take a conscious attitude

The first move to make, when faced with a child’s request for an animal in the house , is to help him understand the responsibilities and commitment that this step entails.

Showing the many needs that an animal has , both physiological and emotional, of the time that must be dedicated to it, of the care, of the attention… it will be useful for the understanding process.

The child must be able to be involved in the sense of responsibility of having an animal and therefore be clear about the small tasks that he will have to carry out: feeding him, cleaning his needs, taking him for a walk.

The family situation and the actual possibility of giving your pet the right care and attention must also be taken into due consideration, without underestimating the commitments and daily routine.

The dog , cat or other animal requires a lot of effort and only if the nucleus is open to this and to some small necessary sacrifices, it is possible to proceed with the adoption, otherwise there is the risk of treating the animal in an inappropriate way.
Psychological benefits of a pet

The psychological benefits of a pet , for everyone, but especially for the little ones, are many.

The bond with the animal in fact:

  • It gives a sense of acceptance, security, joy and generates pleasant sensations that over time strengthen the sense of self, confidence and self-esteem.
  • Help children and teenagers to experience emotions, learn to know them, recognize them and live them, understanding how to better control or manage them. They can in fact experience very funny and happy moments with their puppy, but also difficult and painful moments in the face of his malaise, illness and even, unfortunately, death. It therefore becomes a real emotional gym in which to get involved and experiment.
  • It favors the acquisition of a sense of responsibility, recognition of the other as in need of care and taking action to satisfy them.
  • It is an exceptional source of affection, which reduces annoying and negative sensations such as loneliness, nervousness and stress, tearing even a simple smile when asking for a caress, purring, stimulating to play together or snuggling up next to the sofa as a sign of affection .
  • In complex and painful situations it can be a stimulus and motivationthat helps to react, giving warmth, affection, company and showing a strong empathy for sharing.
  • It develops organizational skills with consequences on the ability to organize and manage everyday life not only at home but also in other contexts, on assuming roles, tasks and responsibilities that if not properly fulfilled can have painful consequences.

Relational benefits of the company of a pet

Other important aspects are those related to the experimentation of some relational dynamics such as:

  • It allows you to experience and give life to a real relationship of friendshipand mutual trust in finding welcome, reciprocity, sharing and acceptance.
  • Develop empathyor the ability to put yourself in the shoes of the other, here not speaking and communicating in an often incomprehensible way, to try to be close to him and understand his needs.
  • It opens up to values ​​such as loyalty, respect for times and diversity. Understanding and respecting diversity is a fundamental value throughout life.

Through the relationship and play with the animal, the child can therefore treasure and experience important aspects of social life and acquire important skills and abilities.
Adopting an animal: the factors to consider

If the benefits are many, it is also true that in choosing to take a pet, the daily criticalities and difficulties must be weighed .

First of all, the management of the animal in all respects, especially in the case of puppies, and if the space available is limited .

Setting clear rules , dividing roles and tasks and helping children understand the importance of respecting them is essential.

The problems can in fact lead to neglect of the animal and its subsequent suffering, with repercussions on the family well-being.

In choosing, therefore, it is advisable to carefully weigh all aspects and choose according to your possibilities
If this is not possible or the time is not the most suitable, it is important to postpone the entry of an animal into the family nucleus, explaining the reasons to the children, showing them the difficulties and criticalities and perhaps asking for a change in some behaviors and habits, so as to favor the construction of a more favorable condition.

The animal could therefore become a kind of gift given as a reward for an important change activated and the adoption of a more functional attitude.

In the choice it may be useful to consult veterinarians and specialists who can, based on the home condition, the environment, the circumstances, the age of the children, dynamics, advise which type of animal is the most suitable to welcome in the family.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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