Chemical Benefits in Various Fields

Chemistry is the natural science that studies matter, its properties, how and why substances can combine or separate to form other substances, and how substances interact with energy. Many people think of chemists as scientists who can mix strange liquids in the laboratory, but in reality we are all chemists . Understanding basic chemical concepts is important for almost every profession.

Chemistry is part of everything in our lives. Every material available consists of matter, even our own body. Chemistry is involved in everything we do, from growing and cooking food to cleaning our homes and bodies to launching a space shuttle. Chemistry is one of the physical sciences that helps us describe and explain our world.

table of contents

  • Chemistry
    • Chemical Benefits
      • Biochemistry
      • Food supply
      • Health and sanitation
      • Sanitation
      • Environment
      • Textiles
      • Building construction) 
      • Metallurgy 
      • Domestic needs 
      • Entertainment 
      • Transportation
      • Industry
      • Agriculture 
      • Nanochemistry 
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Chemistry is a branch of science that deals with the study of the composition, structure, and properties of matter. This relates to the study of changes experienced by various forms of matter under different conditions.

The basic chemical hypothesis first appeared in Classical Greece when Aristotle defined the four elements of fire, air, earth and water. It wasn’t until the 17th and 18th centuries when scientists such as Robert Boyle (1627-1691) and Antoine Lavoisier (1743-1794) began reshaping old alchemical traditions into rigorous scientific disciplines.

As one of the natural sciences, chemistry gives scientists insight into other physical sciences and powerful analytical tools for engineering applications. Biological sciences and their branches, such as psychology, are rooted in biochemistry, and scientists are just beginning to understand how different levels of organization influence each other. For example, the basis of modern medicine is the biochemical process of the human body.

Chemical Benefits

The following are the benefits of chemistry in various fields, including:


Biology studies about living organisms. Chemistry together with biology forms a branch of science called Biochemistry which is a science that is interested in studying the chemical structure of cell parts in various organisms.

Biochemistry studies the chemical reactions that occur in living organisms (eg digestion, respiration, and photosynthesis). He is interested in studying the chemical structure of cell parts (eg carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and nucleic acids.

Physical Chemistry

Physics learns all about matter such as its movement and energy, finding new methods to measure more accurately to understand natural phenomena. Chemistry is integrated with physics in a science called Physical Chemistry that studies the properties and structure of matter.

Physical chemistry is the study of the nature and structure of matter and the particles that make up this material. Physical chemistry enables physicists to carry out their studies in an easier method because it studies the nature and structure of matter and the particles that make up this material.

Food supply

Chemical studies have produced many chemical fertilizers such as urea, calcium superphosphate, sodium nitrate, and ammonium sulfate. Examples of these chemicals have been very helpful in increasing the yield of fruits, vegetables, and other plants.

Thus, we can meet the increasing demand for food. This has helped protect plants from harmful insects and bacteria by using effective insecticides, fungicides and pesticides.

Chemistry also leads to the discovery of preservatives. These chemical changes have greatly helped preserve food products for longer periods.

Health and sanitation

Chemistry contributes to the improvement of health and sanitation facilities, because Chemistry provides humans with a large number of life-saving medicines. Humans can find drugs for dysentery and pneumonia because of the discovery of sulfur and penicillin drugs. In addition, life-saving drugs such as cisplatin and taxol are effective for cancer therapy and AZT is used for AIDS victims.

Some common medicines that have been processed from chemicals include:

  1. Analgesics: To reduce pain of various types.
  2. Antibiotics: To curb infection and cure disease.
  3. Sedative: To reduce tension and create calm and peace for patients suffering from mental illness.
  4. Antiseptic: To stop wound infection.
  5. The discovery of anesthesia has made surgery more successful.
  6. The use of insecticides such as DDT and Gammexane has greatly reduced the danger of diseases caused by rats, mosquitoes, and flies.


Besides being beneficial in the health sector through the discovery of medicines that are useful for healing diseases, chemistry also plays a role in sanitation, for example by making disinfectants, which are useful for killing microorganisms in toilets, floors, and waterways.


Thanks to science, humans can utilize environmentally friendly chemicals, which help us preserve nature. One example is the replacement of CFCs in refrigerators.


Chemistry also contributes greatly in the field of textiles, for example through the discovery of synthetic fibers, which are more attractive, comfortable and durable. Including terylene, nylon and rayon. Easy to wash, dry quickly, and doesn’t need to be ironed. Chemistry provides a large amount of synthetic dyes which give bright and fast color to clothes.

Building construction) 

By supplying steel and cement, chemistry helps in the construction of safer homes and multi-storage buildings. It also helps in the construction of dams and bridges that are durable and long lasting.


Chemistry also plays a role in the field of metallurgy, which is one of the fields of material science and engineering that examines the physical and chemical properties of metal elements, metal compounds, and metal alloys which are called alloys or laceways.

Metals such as gold, silver, copper, iron, aluminum, zinc and a large number of alloys are used to make various objects. This includes ornaments, equipment, coins, and many Industrial and agricultural equipment.

Domestic needs 

Chemistry has made our homes more comfortable by supplying large quantities of household goods. Examples include detergent, oil, and fat, sugar, paper, glass, plastic, paint, cosmetics, perfume, cooking gas and others.

We can beat the summer heat by using refrigerants such as ammonia, liquid sulfur dioxide, and freon.


Cinema, video camera, simple camera make use of films made from celluloid and coated with a chemical symbol that suits their needs. Fireworks that entertain us at festivals and weddings are chemical products.


All means of transportation used by humans in daily life are actually using gasoline or diesel or coal, all of which are chemical products from the petroleum fraction that are managed and put to good use.


Chemistry plays an important and beneficial role in the development and growth of a number of industries. This includes industries such as glass, cement, paper, textiles, leather, dyes etc. We also see chemical applications in industries such as paints, pigments, petroleum, sugar, plastics, pharmaceuticals.

It also helps in the production of larger sulfuric acid, nitric acid, and Ammonia, hydrogenated oils by providing suitable catalysts.


Chemistry helps in agriculture by selecting suitable soil for planting certain crops with chemical analysis that determines the ratio of soil components and the level of adequacy of these components for these plants or plants.

Chemistry helps in agriculture by increasing crop productivity, because chemistry can prepare fertilizers that are suitable for each plant and also insecticides to get rid of agricultural pests.


We can find and form some substances with extraordinary properties through Nanochemistry, which is a science that specializes in finding and forming some substances with extraordinary properties that can be used to improve several fields such as engineering, communication, medicine, environment, transportation and providing various human needs .

That was a series of explanations and full review to all readers who are looking for references related to the benefits of chemistry in various fields of health, pharmacy, industry, agriculture, engineering, and so on. May be useful. Thanks,


by Abdullah Sam
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