Central Africa

Central Africa is the central region of the African continent located south of the Sahara Desert and made up of Burundi , Rwanda , the Central African Republic , Chad , the Democratic Republic of the Congo . The region is home to more than 100 million people. Democratic Republic of the Congo is the most populous country in the region; It has a population of 3,800,610.


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  • 1 Geographic Location
  • 2 Other countries considered part of Central Africa
  • 3 Economy
  • 4 Flora and Fauna
  • 5 Society
  • 6 Sources

Geographic location

To the north it borders with Niger , Libya and Sudan , to the east with Sudan , the Congo River , Tanzania , to the west with Niger , Nigeria , [[Cameroon], and the Republic of the Congo and to the south with Angola and Zambia .

Other countries considered part of Central Africa

There are other countries that, due to their proximity to this region, are considered part of Central Africa: Angola , Cameroon , Equatorial Guinea , Gabon , Republic of the Congo , São Tomé and Príncipe and Zambia


Central Africa is a very important subregion from the forestry point of view, with about 57 percent of the territory covered by natural forests. This subregion is home to the largest contiguous mass of humid tropical forests remaining on the African continent and the second largest in the world (after Amazon forests). This nearly uniform forest cover spans Gabon , Equatorial Guinea , [[| Republic of the Congo | Congo]], most of Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of the Congo , as well as a small area of ​​the Central African Republic . The Democratic Republic of the CongoIt is the largest country in this subregion, with more than 226 million hectares of land. Burundi and Rwanda are among the smallest countries in Central Africa and the continent. This subregion has abundant natural resources, and has played a fundamental role in history, which it continues to play today, as a reservoir for the export of raw materials to industrialized nations. In particular, wood, and more recently, oil , represent the main products for export. Forests are harvested in multiple ways, including collecting non-timber products, low-impact logging, and even intensive commercial logging.

Flora and fauna

The subregion stands out for its climatic distribution by zones that gives rise to a gradient of ecosystems and consequently of biological diversity. Lowland evergreen broadleaf rain forests (including swamp forests located mainly in eastern Congo and western Democratic Republic of the Congo ) and semi-evergreen broadleaf forests predominate in this subregion and are among the most abundant in Africa . Montane forests (in Rwanda , Burundi and the Democratic Republic of the Congo) have a lower biological variety, although they often have a greater number of endemic species. In central Africa there are also dry forests, located in the north of the Central African Republic .


Central Africa is not a uniform socio-economic or political entity: more than 70 percent of its population lives in rural areas. Some regions have population densities that are among the lowest in Africa. Despite this, Rwanda and Burundi are highly populated countries, and 90 percent of their populations live in rural conditions. In general, Central African countries are some of the least favored in the world.


by Abdullah Sam
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