CDB or Tesouro Direto: Which is Worth More?

The answer is impartial. It depends on your investor profile and what the investment objective is.

But first, I invite you to know, in a simpler way, what CBD, Tesouro Direto and its variables are.

Thus, you can better understand how they work and have more clarity when deciding on which to invest. Come on?

ertificate of eposit ancário

Or CDB, it is nothing more than you lending money to the bank.

But how so? Isn’t it just banks that lend money?

So! The Central Bank determines that all banks have positive cash flow at the end of each day.

For this, they use the money you deposit to fulfill this determination.

And like any loan you know, there is always interest.

It is this interest that pays for its application, with variable rates and terms.

Thus, when you hire a CDB, your remuneration is based on the interest earned on the amount invested, depending on factors such as:

  • Rate type chosen
  • Term in which the investment is kept in the institution
  • Taxation on income.

The CDB has two types of fees:

  • Pre-fixed : here, you know exactly what the rate will be applied on your investment.

For example, when contracting the security, the contract contains interest of 10% per year.

In other words, you know that in 12 months, your investment will be increased by another 10%.

  • Post-fixed : interest is not fixed, and may vary according to other economic indicators, such as:
  • Selic rate
  • IPCA
  • CDI and others.

Even so, these rates vary less, since they determine the direction of our market, therefore, being more stable.

Unlike the stock exchange, for example, where, in a single day, the investor can either gain a lot or lose everything.

The CDB has the advantage of allowing you to redeem your investment at any time.

There are applications that you can withdraw on the same day, the next day and even after 90 days.

It varies greatly from the type of option chosen and the policies of each institution. So stay tuned!

However, this action directly influences the income and the tribulations imposed on it , which are the IOF and the Income Tax.

Here’s how it works:

  • IOF : charged only if you redeem your application before 30 days , from the date you made it.
  • Income Tax : charged under the following conditions, according to the regressive table:
  • 5% rate: charged if the investment is redeemed within 180 days
  • 20% rate: charged if the investment is redeemed between 181 and 360 days
  • 5% rate: charged if the investment is redeemed between 361 to 720 days
  • 15% rate: charged if redeemed after 720 days .

That is, the longer you leave your money invested, the more you will earn, having greater liquidity.

Now that you can see how the CBD works, let’s understand about Tesouro Direto?

Direct Treasury

Created in 2002, it is a National Treasury program, in partnership with BM&F Bovespa, for the sale of government bonds to individuals, over the internet.

As in the CDB, when you invest in a public security, you lend your money, only to the Federal Government.

This money is used to improve the country’s development, such as health, education and infrastructure, for example.

And, as with any loan, there is interest payment, which will be your gain on the amount invested.

It is worth adding that in this case there is no physical document, just an online protocol number, to consult your operation.

Each full title costs R $ 30.00. It can also be purchased by fraction.

But what are government bonds?

They are fixed income assets, whose yields can be scaled at the time of purchase, as they do not vary.

They are divided into:


  • Fixed-rate securities
  • Post-fixed securities.

Let’s see what the difference is?

In pre-fixed , you will know exactly when you will receive at the end of the application.

For each security unit, the amount to be received is R $ 1,000.00, as explained on the National Treasury website.

In this modality, there are two types:

  • Prefixed Treasury (LTN) :

Here the payment in one go, when the application expires.

As mentioned above, the value is R $ 1,000.00 for each unit of title.

However, if you need to sell before maturity, the current market value will be considered.

In this case, your profitability can be both higher and lower than expected.


  • Treasury Fixed with Half-Year Interest (NTN-F):

In this modality, the remuneration interest is paid every 6 months, until the investment matures.

In it, there is the collection of IR, which is regressive, in the same way as explained in the CDB.

Collecting only at maturity, you will receive R $ 1,000.00 for each security, plus interest for the last semester.

In the post-fixed segment , profitability is composed of the predefined rate plus the variation of an economic index.

They can be either the Selic Rate or the IPCA .

In this modality, there are 3 different types, which:


  • Selic Treasury (LFT):

Remuneration obtained at the fixed rate, plus Selic.

The payment is one-time, when the investment matures.

Here, it’s worth it if you don’t need a quick return.

Needing to redeem before maturity, it will be sold at the current market value.


  • IPCA + Treasury with Semiannual Interest (NTN-B):

Remuneration obtained by the fixed rate plus the inflation index variable, the IPCA.

It is paid every 6 months.

There is an incidence of IR, according to the regressive table, shown in the CDB, above.

Same rule as others for early redemption.


  • IPCA + Treasury (NTN-B Principal):


Remuneration obtained by the fixed rate plus the variation of the IPCA.

Single payment, at the end of the due date.

There is no charge for IR.

Same rule as others for early redemption.

Ready! Now that CDB and Tesouro Direto are clearer, let’s get down to business.

Where to invest?

I believe it has become clear that both options are very suitable for beginning investors or those with a more conservative and moderate profile.

They are considered to be the safest in the market, since they have fixed and variable rates.

Even the variables are safe, since they are linked to the indicators that guide our economy.

To invest in anyone you need to have an account with a financial institution or broker, on your CPF.

Normally, investments in the CDB tend to be at least R $ 1,000.00. But there are options on the market with less value. Worth researching!

As mentioned, for the National Treasury, each entire security can be purchased for R $ 30.00, either through the Treasury website, or through the bank or broker.

When to redeem your investment?

Just wait for the expiration time stipulated in the contract, to get it back. In the case of CBD, be aware of the contract rules and the IR regressive table, if it is post-fixed.

If you redeem before maturity, you risk losing money. This is because the bonds change their market value.

For the National Treasury, the options that offer half-yearly maturities are an interesting option for those who wish to live on income.


Both can be worth it. It will only depend on which option is the most suitable for your profile and goal. It doesn’t take much money to become an investor. This is a myth.

It takes only discipline, patience and seeking guidance, either with a professional you trust, or by reading specialized articles, like this one.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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