10 best video games that never get boring

We tell you about the most interesting projects of gaming studios that never bore users. With the development of the gaming industry, more development teams began to appear and, as a result, the number of games released per year increased. These projects differ in genre, plot, concept, gameplay mechanics and other aspects. This diversity is certainly a … Read more

10 open world video games that will blow your mind

Some video games are so big that the real world after them looks like a chamber room. Today we will talk about just such projects. Open world games are now considered one of the top trends in the interactive entertainment industry. It was formed about 5-7 years ago and managed to enter the vanguard. And all because … Read more

10 best video games with the most scandalous plots

Here are some of the best video games with the most controversial and challenging plot. In the vast majority of games, the plot is one of the main components. A well-written narrative helps you immerse yourself in the virtual universe, become attached to the characters and move forward with interest to see the ending. Interactive entertainment … Read more

Scientists say video games have a positive effect on people’s psychological health

Scientists from the University of Oxford said that video games do not cause addiction, but rather improve the psychological health and well-being of people. This was reported on the website of the University of Oxford . The researchers conducted a study based on data from 3270 gamers who played Plants vs Zombies: Battle for Neighborville and Animal Crossing: New … Read more

10 bad video games that have become bestsellers

We are talking about the most unsuccessful projects of gaming studios, which for various reasons were liked by millions of fans. Game development is a complex process involving people from a wide variety of professions. Artists work on the visual component, game designers model gameplay mechanics, programmers are responsible for the code, scriptwriters write the … Read more

Psychologists have figured out which gamers are smarter

Scientists analyzed the IQ level of gamers who use game consoles, personal computers and smartphones. Psychologists have also determined the intelligence level of gamers, depending on which games they prefer. A group of psychologists analyzed the IQ ( intelligence quotient) of over a thousand video game users. Scientists have determined that the highest IQ score – 112.3 – was received … Read more