
Cascabel . This sphere has a hole that allows resonance. The sound is produced by the clash between the two spheres, the outer and the inner. Its sound is generally sharp.


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  • 1 History
  • 2 Composition
  • 3 Applications
  • 4 idiophone instruments
    • 1 Nail rattles
    • 2 rattles rattles
    • 3 Rhythm stick
  • 5 Animals
  • 6 Sources


In Spain , small bronze bells created in the Bronze Age have been found ; They have been found in Carthaginian, Iberian and Celtiberian deposits, and in already Romanized towns. They were hung around the neck of cattle to drive away evils, for example to drive away snakes that stalk horses or to drive away demons, although they may also have been carried by people for the same purpose.

A musical instrument consists of the combination of one or more resonant systems capable of producing one or more tones and means to excite these systems that are under the control of the musician. We can consider the different types of musical instruments : string, wind , percussion and electric.


Wooden rod with 5 bells

The set of bells in number not less than five are presented attached to a strap that the player takes with his hand, it is a small metallic sphere hollowed out with a small opening, within which there is another smaller one. This sphere has a hole that allows resonance. The sound is produced by the clash between the two spheres , the outer and the inner. Its sound is generally sharp.

Leather crown of 10 jingle bells

There is an instrument very similar to the bells: the bells. The difference that this instrument has is that instead of bells it has small bells, the sound of the bells is produced by the percussion of urging by shaking the instrument with the same hand that holds them. Sometimes, to get interesting rhythmic figurations, it is struck on the fist of the hand that takes the bells with the other hand.


  • It is formed, as its name suggests, by several small bells and can be presented as a bracelet, mounted on a handle, or on a wooden mace , to hold it.

Rattlesnake for pets, especially cats

  • Jingle bells are very common in dances , especially oriental ones , where the dancers wear them in necklaces and bracelets (on wrists and ankles) and make them sound while they perform.
  • In falconry they are used to locate the position (in short distances) of the bird of prey when it is not visible. The falconers experts advise that they be “bordón” and “prima”, so that they make a good melody. There must be 1/8 note difference between the two in order for them to produce a harmonic sound. The best known are those from Pakistan , due to their long tradition in this craft . Very famous are those created by Peter Asborno, for their quality and design. The preparation is made by molding two half spheres with a filler or with press dies, and then joining them with silver solder, placing inside a ball that produces the sound and finally clean and polish the bell to give it a shiny finish. The length and width of the cut influences the sound as well as the temper of the metal. Commonly used materials include brass, nickel silver , stainless steel , copper, and bronze .
  • It is used to put it on the neck of some domestic animals such as dogs, cats, sheep or lambs.
  • It also serves as decoration for horses and carriage shots.
  • The rattlesnake is used in mojiganga costumes such as harlequins , clowns, masks, or grotesque characters. the bells can be of various sizes depending on the instrument

Idiophone instruments

Among these are those that produce a vibration of its material, rigid, by percussion or rubbing, from direct or indirect blow.

Nail rattles

Musical instrument that is built by joining together animal nails or small holes and that produce a characteristic sound when shaken. It is used almost exclusively by the indigenous people of the north and northeast of our country.

Its use is frequent in common dances and in some tribes it is performed by women at the initiation party for girls. They are generally worn around the waist or around the ankle.

Rattles rattles

Similar to the previous one but with bells, of Mapuche origin, they are highly recognized in the Nguillatún , the ritual ceremony of the Patagonian area of Neuquén , Río Negro and Chubut .

Rhythm stick

It is a hollowed out tacuara with a single knot or cover, which when struck against the floor gives a deep sound, very characteristic of the missionary area.


  • In the animal kingdom there is a reptile that holds this instrument, it is the Rattlesnake , but unlike it it is not used to dance, but to warn its enemies of its mortal presence.


by Abdullah Sam
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