Carlos Miret Bernal

Carlos Miret Bernal prominent Spanish architect, urban planner and designer. He was the promoter and developer of the idea of ​​an International Exhibition in Zaragoza. He is also a furniture and street furniture designer.


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  • 1 Biographical summary
    • 1 Studies
    • 2 Work history
    • 3 Charges
    • 4 Acknowledgments
  • 2 Obras
  • 3 Fountains

biographical synthesis

He was born on July 19, 1952 , in Calatorao , Zaragoza . He fixed his residence in Biescas , from 1977 to 1982 , carrying out works such as the Sports Center, the soccer field and collective and single-family housing buildings. His first single-family home is in Escuer, 1977 .


In 1976 he finished his studies as a Higher Architect at the Higher Technical School of Barcelona (ETSAB).

He studied from 1969 to 1976 at the Superior School of Architecture of Barcelona and took courses on the restoration of monuments and structures. During his studies he works as a structural draftsman and calculator at the CFYESA company in Barcelona.

work history

He has been municipal architect of Benabarre (Huesca) and Caspe (Zaragoza). He is an advisor to Business and Social Associations of Zaragoza, a member of the Technical Report of the Provincial Planning Commission of the DGA, for which he carried out advisory work and collaborated in the drafting of various Ordinances and Urban Planning Plans for Zaragoza.

From 1985 to 1995 he was the municipal architect of Caspe , with works such as the Julián Besteiro square.

His professional work takes place in Aragon and Catalonia as a liberal architect, where he has carried out public and private building and planning projects.

He has carried out various public projects in Aragon: La Cartuja Wastewater Treatment Plant, Town Halls in Benabarre, Aler, Biescas and Caspe, Delicias Civic Center (Zaragoza), Benabarre House of Culture, as well as urban design works, squares, parks and street furniture.

Makes the Proposal for the Planning of the RENFE land in Huesca with a draft of the Station and proposal for RENFE-DGA-CITY COUNCIL of the competition for the Zaragoza-El Portillo Passenger Transport Center.

In 1998 he proposed and developed the idea of ​​holding an International Exhibition in Zaragoza, placing it in the Ranillas meander and in 2008 . In October 2000 , the Council of Ministers approved his Bid Advance project, Expo Zaragoza 2008, with the theme “water”. Finally, in 2004 at the meeting of the BIE Bureau International des Expositions, Zaragoza’s candidature won against those of Italy (Trieste) and Greece (Thessaloniki).

He worked for the Amat and Deceaux companies.


Organize and chair since 1999 the Cultural Association for the Promotion of Zargoza Expo 2008.

In 2007 he wrote the book Thus it was born: Expo Zaragoza 2008, which describes the technical and social promotion work that was carried out for seven years in order to unite and achieve political and social consensus to carry out a project and present Zaragoza’s candidacy as host of the international exhibition for the year 2008.5


A series of his designs was selected for the SDI International Design Selection of Furnishings for the Habitat at the Berlin fair .


He has carried out Urban Plans in the Tena Valley, Zaragoza, Caspe, housing construction projects in the Pyrenees, Aragon and Catalonia.

Rehabilitation of Historical Heritage buildings, civil works, offices, 3, 4 and 5 star hotels in Zaragoza, residences for the elderly, first class outdoor and indoor sports facilities such as the Ciudad del Motor de Alcañiz, 6 and 7 circuits and buildings for Project Unit 6 in Alcañiz.

As the municipal architect of Benabarre, he has the Town Hall and the House of Culture in Tolva .

In Zaragoza , it has, among other works, the reform of the Fish Market, the corridor next to the Huerva river in the Primo de Rivera park and the Water Treatment Plant offices, as well as the El Pequeno Catalán residential buildings, next to the Central Market, the Habitat building on Avenida César Augusto and Calle Peromarta, the houses on Calle Santa Teresa, number 49-51, on Paseo de Sagasta, number 16, and the Association of the Physically Handicapped on Calle Pomarón.

After the death of his son, Lucas Miret at the age of 19, Carlos plunged into a serious crisis from which he only managed to come out by devising a great project that would be dedicated to his memory, it is the Zaragoza Expo.

In 1998 he created the Association for the promotion of Zaragoza as the venue for an International Exhibition in 2008 . The political establishment echoed Carlos Miret’s initiative and in 2003 Juan Alberto Belloch signed the transfer agreement of the Zaragoza Expo 2008 brand in favor of the Pro Expo Zaragoza 2008 consortium for the symbolic value of one euro. From that moment on, Miret and the Zaragoza City Council were going to go hand in hand in their goal of achieving the election of Zaragoza as the venue for the Expo in 2008.


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