vStarting at university or when we start working, it becomes more difficult to be close to our friends . Lifelong friends go to study abroad, others to work, others looking for a change of scenery … And many just come back to visit.
Despite what we usually think, a friendship is not so different from a couple relationship. Both are based on communication and trust, and they bring us very good times. However, friendship is freer, and it is not lost so easily, but you also have to take care of it .
Distance tests our relationship with that person who goes far. If the bond is strong, it costs nothing to overcome it. Of course, you have to make an effort to make it work. So in this article we are going to give you someTips to care for and keep a friendship at a distance, regardless of the kilometers that separate you.


  • Tell him it’s important to you
  • Think positive
  • Keep the communication
  • Share things
  • Take advantage of the time you have together

Tell him it’s important to you

Something curious about friends is that many times we do not tell them how important they are to us , but it is always good to do so. Especially when there is distance, so they know they are not alone. You also don’t need to make a big gesture to tell someone you care. Many times something simple is better. It can be, for example, a letter or a photo of the two. And if you want him to get excited, you can create a custom song to tell him he’s the best friend you could have. You don’t need a special date to do it, but you can also wait for his birthday and make it more fun!

Think positive

When our friend has just left, we spend a few bad days, missing him and thinking that we do not want to lose him. But the losing streak has to last very little. Think of all the good things that distance offers . The first is easy: the possibility of traveling. One day you can invade your friend’s house and go sightseeing in her new city. That way you can get to know his life, his work, his friends … And every time you see each other it will be much more special.
Also, surely the distance will make you avoid many stupid arguments. After all, nobody likes to argue by message, and when you meet you don’t want to waste time with problems.

Keep the communication

Distance is the perfect excuse to strengthen ties with that friend who goes far away. At first he will tell you about the new job, what the city is like and other things that he will discover. But then you have to make an effort to maintain interest, although if your friendship is strong, that will not be a problem. In addition, it is now easier than ever to be in constant contact, with social networks or even through video calls. So you don’t even have to miss each other.
The good thing about friendship is that it is not as continuous as the relationship can be. That is, you can spend whole days without knowing anything about each other, but spend an entire night talking as soon as something comes up. So there is no need to force conversations, let them come out naturally.
You also need to maintain trust . If you told your friend everything before he left, keep doing it. Think that nothing has changed between you, nor does it have to. On the other hand, if you have any problem, speak it calmly and as soon as possible to avoid it becoming something serious or a reason for resentment.

Share things

Another important thing is to have things that unite you. They can be activities such as online video games or internet forums. So you can share more than just conversations. It will be healthy for your relationship, you will create new traditions and you will have very good times.
But this does not mean that you have to put aside what you shared before being separated, just the opposite. If someone from your group of friends has gone away, keep telling him all the funny anecdotes and the jokes that are created . This way you will not stop feeling part of the group, and when you return to visit you will not miss the internal jokes.


Take advantage of the time you have together

Get the most out of travel. It does not matter who has visited, try to make the time you have something special. It’s okay to go have a drink and catch up, but you can also look for different things. For example, play basketball if you used to or go to karaoke. They are fun things that you will surely remember later.

Distance is only a test in friendship. If it is strong, it will not be difficult to keep the relationship intact, and perhaps even closer. Of course, the distance also serves to check what is worth and what is not. Sometimes it’s also good to accept that a friendship is over, and you can’t force it if the relationship is no longer good.
Do you have a friend far away? Tell us in the comments if you are going to see each other soon, we will be happy to read it!


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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