In domestic animals, certain abnormal behaviors can occur, such as cannibalism in cats , which we will detail in the next few lines, although we will study this phenomenon in a generalized way beforehand.
Introduction to cannibalism
Living beings are not isolated, whether we interact with our environment or with other organisms, we are in constant interaction. When this type of interaction occurs between members of the same species, we refer to them as intraspecific relationships ; which can be positive, where individuals mutually benefit, or negative, when one of the specimens is harmed by associating with another.
Negative relationships between members of the same population are usually very rare, since they represent a disadvantage for the species. However, they can occur when resources are in a limited way, which induces competition for them ( intraspecific competition ), causing agonistic disputes that can lead to aggression or excessive exploitation of resources, affecting the other individuals. It is believed that this type of relationship allows the formation of hierarchical systems based on dominance / submission.
Despite the fact that intraspecific competition is considered a negative relationship, the individuals that participate in this interaction generally survive and continue to contribute to the population dynamics of the species. However, intraspecific relationships that sometimes can cause the death of one of the individuals are given as occurs during the cannibalism .
Cannibalism is understood as intraspecific predation, where an individual of a species is capable of feeding on another congener. Cannibalism has been recorded in cats, sharks, snakes, spiders, insects and even primates, for which reason some authors consider that this type of predation is due to a normal behavior of the population, whose purpose is the regulation of population dynamics of some animals, being a response to some environmental variables. However, other researchers think that it is an aberrant phenomenon, which occurs only under stress conditions and whose observations are rather anecdotal.
Some factors that induce cannibalism have been identified in the different animal species in which it has been documented, among which hunger, increased population density, vulnerability on the part of the victims and physiological or psychological stress stand out. Although cannibalism can affect the population dynamics of a species, its effects are difficult to measure; Some ethologists and ecologists consider that it can be taken as an important cause of mortality in those animals where its practice is generalized, since it is affecting the age structure and acts as a population control mechanism, which helps to avoid intraspecific competition for the means.
Domestic cats ( Felis silvestris catus ) is one of the numerous species where cannibalism has been reported and documented, although it is not a generalized behavior as occurs in some species of insects or other vertebrates. Cases of cannibalism in cats are mostly attributed to the consumption of offspring by the mother or other adults, as well as cats exposed to stress conditions or feral specimens.
In this article, we are going to describe this behavior in kittens, the ways in which cannibalism in cats can occur, as well as its possible causes, and we will close with the measures that must be taken to avoid this anomalous behavior in our pets.
Puerperal cannibalism in cats
Cases of cannibalism in cats have been documented mostly from mother to child, especially in the physiological period that follows delivery (the puerperium). Although, among mammals, it is common for females to feed on their own placenta, the umbilical cord and other remains of childbirth (placentophagy) as a strategy for taking advantage of nutrients; cannibalism in cats is not a common practice, much less widespread. On the contrary, it is considered a phenomenon that goes against any reproductive strategy. For this reason, when this practice occurs, it is considered that there is an alteration of the mother’s normal behavior, which may be due to physiological or environmental reasons.
Among the causes that have been identified and that can cause this phenomenon in cats, we have:
Inviable or malformed offspring : If the offspring are born with some injury or pathology that will prevent them from developing normally, or their behavior is not what is expected at birth (absence of crying or movements), the mothers may choose not to provide their care and in change to sacrifice the young and take advantage of the nutrients that your body can offer.
Excessive cleaning : It can happen, especially in first-time mothers, that females wanting to remove the placenta and the umbilical condom, as well as other remains of the birth, can end up biting and seriously injuring the baby, even causing death. After the death of the baby, the mother will feed on it.
Physiological stress : If female cats give birth in conditions of hunger, dehydration or illness, they may prefer to euthanize the newborns in order to guarantee their survival.
Environmental stress : In the event that the delivery takes place in crowded, contaminated, confined or threatened conditions, they can cause an alteration in the mother’s behavior, causing cannibalism to occur in cats.
Although this type of behavior has been identified in mothers, it has also been recorded by other females, males or cubs belonging to previous litters. This behavior could be related to a hierarchical behavior, based on dominance and submission, because it has been observed within packs of cats where dominant females choose to attack and consume any of the newborn offspring, especially those submissive females.
Cannibalism in adult cats
Cannibalism in cats has also been documented among adult specimens, generally wild or feral individuals, but there are also some reports of domestic cats. This practice usually happens in specific conditions, generally when these animals are exposed to prolonged stress, starvation or dehydration or in case of overcrowding or little space.
When food and water are in a limited way, cats will find a way to take advantage of any food source they can have access to, being able to attack their congeners as if they were just another prey. Likewise, they could resort to carrion if any of the members of their pack dies within their territory. This situation can only occur in specific conditions, where expenses are isolated or impossible to hunt other animals, or where the number of prey is very limited.
Similarly, the stress caused by overcrowding and lack of space can cause abnormal behaviors in these cats. Causing conflictive encounters and aggressions to increase, which can lead to fatal injuries and cannibalism in cats.
How to avoid cannibalism in cats
Knowing the factors that can induce cannibalism in cats, measures can be taken to avoid this behavior among our pets.
The main thing is to be able to offer our felines a balanced diet, whose diet meets all nutritional specifications (proteins, vitamins and minerals); especially, if it is a pregnant cat. In the same way, it is necessary to provide our pets with the necessary space and mobility, especially if we have more than one feline; this will also prevent agonistic behaviors that may arise. In the case of pregnant females, it is best to provide them with the optimal conditions for a stress-free delivery and that they feel safe.