Can you forget your mother tongue?

Innate ability to preserve the native language
But it must be said, such a drastic loss of the language is nothing more than an exception. In most immigrants who go to live in another country, both languages ​​remain more or less alive. In these cases, the first language is preserved better or worse depending on the person’s innate talent. Those who are generally good at languages ​​tend to better preserve the native language, regardless of the time they have spent outside their country. The same applies to the fluency typical of the native speaker, closely linked to the way in which we master the different languages ​​in our brain.

The real difference between speaking one or two languages ​​is that the brain has to add some sort of control system that allows it to switch between them. If this control mechanism is weak, the person may have difficulty finding the right word or continuing to juggle the second language.

Socializing with foreign speakers
Spending a lot of time with speakers of your own native speaker abroad can make things worse, since both languages ​​are known to be understood. In many cases the result is a linguistic hybrid. For example, in London, one of the most multilingual cities on the planet, this type of hybrid is so common that it has almost become an urban dialect. But it must be said, to modify is not to forget. What is certain is that, over time, this informal and simultaneous exchange between the two languages ​​can prevent the brain from remaining in a single language box when this is necessary. Thus, what is produced is an accelerated spiral of language transformation.

However, this adaptability has no reason to be viewed negatively, but rather as a test of our inventiveness as human beings. It is only a natural process that pushes people to make changes in their grammar to adapt to the new reality. The fact is that what allows us to learn new languages ​​also allows us to make changes.

In any case, it must be borne in mind that the deterioration of the native idiom is not something irreversible, at least in adults. A period of rapprochement with our country of origin, our memories and our sense of identity will ensure that we can recover it in a short time, since our language is linked to our deepest identity

by Abdullah Sam
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