How to Calculate in Complete Javanese

Javanese Number Numbers

In Javanese, we will also learn to recognize how to count. How to count in Javanese varies. Can use Javanese ngoko (rough), Javanese Krama (Fine), and numbers (numbers).

Javanese Number Numbers

1 = eka

2 = bi

3 = tri

4 = chess

5 = five

6 = sad

7 = sapta

8 = astha

9 = laughter

10 = base

100 = sata

1000 = Sasra

10,000 = selection

100,000 = sakethi

1,000,000 = my name

Count numbers with Javanese Krama

1 = one

2 = kaleh

3 = three

4 = friend

5 = wedges

6 = enem

7 = pitu

8 = wolu

9 = songo

10 = sedasa

11 = eleven

12 = kalehwelas

13 = thirteen

14 = one glass

15 = gangsalwelas

16 = eleven

17 = pitulas

18 = wolulas

19 = songolas

20 = kalehdasa

21 = blackjack

22 = kaleh lemur

23 = tigo slurry

24 = sekawanlikur

25 = groin

30 = three thirds

40 = dasa friend

50 = seket

60 = not enough

70 = double count

80 = wolong dasa

100 = satunggal

1000 = one ewu

10,000 = sedasa

Count numbers with Javanese Ngoko

1 = siji

2 = loro

3 = telu

4 = papat

5 = five

6 = enem

7 = pitu

8 = wolu

9 = songo

10 = ten

11 = eleven

12 = rolas

13 = careful

14 = patbelas

15 = limolas

16 = eleven

17 = pitulas

18 = wolulas

19 = songolas

20 = jumble

21 = blackjack

22 = Roman Catholic

23 = telulicure

24 = patlikur

25 = selawe

30 = twenty

31 = twenty siji

40 = evening

50 = seket

60 = not enough

70 = counting

80 = wolong tens

90 = very late

100 = status

1000 = sewu

10,000 = ten ewu

100,000 = ewu status

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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