How To Make Yourself A Buzz Cut;5 Real Tips

How to make a buzz cut

The “buzz cut” has been a popular hair style that has endured for decades. Not just for men, this unisex hairstyle is easy to maintain and comes in many variations. Although mostly seen in military personnel, many celebrities can be seen wearing the style. The classic haircut does not require a brush or comb and can be easily cut on its own at home, saving you the cost of barber trips. Investing in a good initial cut clipper is the key to this carefree yet stylish haircut.


1 Put the number two guard in your clippers, while not light. Start cutting your hair on top from front to back.  Give the clipper time to cut the hair, instead of pulling it.

2 in Buzz the sides and back second. Start at the bottom of your hair and move the clippers up on both sides and the back.

3 Turn off the clippers and change the number one guard for a shorter hum. Repeat the process, starting at the top, front to back. Back and sides should be to the side, using an upward movement.

4 Obtain an ultra-short hearing signal by turning off the clippers and removing the full shield. Place the clippers directly on the scalp. Use the same procedure as above, top first, then sides and back, always going against the grain.

Tips and Warnings

  • After you have had some “buzzing” experience, recommends moistening your hair and a drying towel before making fashionable cuts, as wet hair will be softer and straighter than dry hair.
  • Some variations on the classic haircut are made up of a “military haircut,” a “flat top” and a “high n ‘tight.” suggests leaving these advanced buzz cuts to a professional, as their degree of difficulty is significantly higher.



How to get the buzz cut

Here’s a surprise for you: “buzz cut” actually refers to a family of haircuts. For a haircut to be a haircut, it has to be the same length around the head. Within this family, there are several specific types that can be chosen. Their length and shape distinguish them from each other.

Before taking a trip to the hairdresser to get a haircut, make sure you know what variation you want and what trimmers you use. If you go into a barbershop and just ordered a haircut, your hairdresser might give you a super short or super long cut. To ensure that you are getting the exact type you want, you should know the specific environment name and trimmer used for the specific cut you are looking for. Some hairdressers also use different names to refer to certain variations, so knowing the trimmer setting for your preferred variant is crucial.

Here are 9 of the basic variations and how to get them:

induction cut

This is the shortest buzzing path, using clippers without mounted protection (this is sometimes known as setting # 0). It is the one that comes closest to baldness without having to shave all the hair off. The induction cut is the most extreme buzz cut variation possible, so make sure you really want it.

Burr cut

credit / Chris Hatcher

This is a slightly less extreme version of the induction cut. In general, a burr cut refers to a haircut that is cut with a # 1, # 2, and # 3 protector on clippers.

Flat top

The flat top is an iconic haircut style with roots from the fifties. This is a shorter cut (# 2 to # 4) that stands out for making hair straight on top of the head. Our flat top guide has more about this classic look.

Ivy league

This slightly more fashionable buzz cut variation is cut in the same way as a military haircut, but is noticeably longer. The hair can be as long as an inch on the top of the head, which is rare for this cut. Read our Ivy League Haircut Guide for more information.

High and Tight

The tall and narrow is another short haircut style. It is cut by using a # 1, # 2, # 3, or even on the sides and back. The top is trimmed below, adjusting two numbers higher than what was used for the sides and back. This creates the appearance of “tall and narrow.”

Alto and Tight Recon

And if you want to go even more extreme, consider the tall and narrow recognition. The entire head (except for a fringe of hair in the middle of the head that goes from the forehead to the vertex) is trimmed with a # 0 or # 1. The strip is trimmed with a # 2 or # 3. It is often called the “runway” hairstyle because of its appearance.

Cut style

The team cut is technically a haircut, but it is different from other styles because it is sharp. This cut can use a trimmer setting from # 3 to # 6. Our equipment cutting guide will tell you the whole story.

Butch Cut

Also called a cutter brush (and sometimes a cutter as well), the Butch cut is a medium-length buzz cut that typically uses a # 4 trimmer trim. Our tomboy cut guide has everything you need to know about this cut

Caesar cut

Andy Whitfield

The Caesar cut is part of the buzz extended cut family. Many similarities are shared, and perhaps most notable is the fact that with a Caesar cut, hair is cut to the same length across the entire head. Even though it can go up to 3 inches in length, many guys choose to go for a much shorter length, about half an inch to an inch. Read our guide to Caesar Cut for more information.


How to cut the buzz with your child


Keeping a child’s hair cut has many advantages, including simple washing and drying, and styling is not necessary. With an electric clipper and the proper length setting, a child’s hair can be cut in a hassle-free haircut that will allow for easy washing and wearing. Determine the length you want to achieve and then give a boy a haircut. The haircut process is quick and easy enough to complete in just a few minutes.


1 Sit the child in the chair and place a towel around his back to protect him from loose hair while cutting. Secure the towel with a clothespin at the front of the neck.

2 Prepare the electric razors by selecting the desired accessory. Look for small tagging of attachments that indicates the length of each. A standard haircut can range from 1/8-inch to 1/2-inch. You may want to start with a longer accessory – you can always switch to a shorter seam and go back over the areas that have already been cut to make the hair a uniform length. Connect the clippers to an electrical outlet.

3 Position the slicers so that the top of the slicers the one the joint attaches is at the top front of the child’s head. Gently rest the accessory on the child’s scalp just before the hairline. Practice moving the clippers through the child several times before turning on the clippers to get an idea of ​​how it is cut. Push the clippers gently but firmly through the child’s hair to fix the clippers always in contact with the child’s scalp. As you go through the child’s head clippers, the Clippers cut the hair.

4 Turn the slicers into the slicers and push back in a line along the top of the child’s head until you reach the crown of the head. Pick up the clippers, shift again in front of the hairline and cut another line on the child’s scalp.

5 Continue cutting the hair on the top and sides of the head with the clippers, making as many passes as necessary through the hair to cut it evenly. Cut along the sides of the head around the ears as well.

6 Position the clippers at the nape of the neck and push the clippers straight up to the top of the head using the same technique that has been used on the top of the head. Put the clippers back on the nape of the neck and cut the entire back of the head in the same way.

7 Go back over the entire head one last time with the nail clipper to make sure you don’t miss any of the areas.

8 Trim any loose hairs around the ears and along the back of the neck to make the hairline clean.

9 Brush the child’s head with the clean towel to remove as much lost hair as possible to avoid itching. Remove the towel around the child’s neck and discard the removed hair.


How to Give Your Dog a Buzz Cut


Grooming your dog is very important in order to keep it clean, comfortable, healthy and attractive. Longer haired breeds often require more maintenance in order to reduce knots and matting and prevent dirt and feces from sticking to your skin. Dogs of any breed — — even short-haired sometimes need help in removing parasites from under the coat. Learning how to trim-cut your dog can help keep his clean and free of pests and save money on grooming expenses as well.


Grooming your dog at home

1 Brush your dog. Before giving your dog a buzz cut you should thoroughly brush his coat and remove all knots, tangles and tangles. Trying to shave a dog that has knots and tangles in its coat can result in the injection of its clippers stuck in its coat, which can make the process uncomfortable for him and more difficult for you. Brushing the former can also ensure a more groomed appearance evenly.

2 Shave around the eyes. Using a No. 10 blade, shave the hair from between your dog’s eyes. Starting at the bridge of the nose, carefully shave towards the eyes to remove the hair between them and then away from the eyes to trim the corners, making sure not to screw the eyes in with the clippers.

3 Shave your ears. Using one hand to hold your dog’s ear open and up, carefully save around the inner edges of the ears to remove any overgrown or neglected strands of hair. Flip the ear forward to expose the outer ear and gently move the clippers through the outer ears to remove the hair. Make sure to keep your foil flat and flush with the meat as not to damage or cut the ears.

4 Continue with the armpit area. With your dog maintain a standing position, gently raise one of its front paws and keep it upright in a position that is comfortable for him. Carefully clippers around your armpit area in various directions until all of the skin has been removed from the skin folds.

5 Saturation of the groin area begins. Shaving your dog in your groin area is known as a “sanitary cut” and is effective in keeping it clean and free of dirt and feces that could get caught in the hair near the rear end. With your dog in a standing position, raise your leg – as if urinating – and gently cut the fur off the side of the blade by moving it away from the groin. Repeat this process, lifting the opposite leg to complete the groin area and release the rear leg.

6 Remove the skin around the anus. To complete the sanitary cut part of rumors cutting your dog, you must shave around his anus. While maintaining the standing position, gently lift your tail in an up position and use your clippers to shave away from the anus. Remembering to keep the blades flat, shave up at the top, down at the bottom and out from the sides.

7 Begin clipping the rest of the body. Once you have completed the most difficult areas – the eyes, ears, armpits, groin and anus – you can complete your dogs buzzing cut by clipping the skins from most of your body. Carefully clipper your back, sides, abdomen and top of your head to remove any fur left behind.

Tips and Warnings

  • Older dogs that have never had a haircut cannot welcome Clippers. Start buzzing by cutting your hair early in life — like a puppy when possible — to ensure it won’t be resistant to the procedure.
  • Some dogs are disturbed by the sound of clippers. Try to find mowers that have quiet or damped motors to reduce noise and avoid scaring your pet.
  • Skin acts as an insulation against heat. If you give your dog a haircut, be sure to control his exposure to the sun and intense heat as a precaution against sunburn and skin irritations.
  • Trimmer blades can sometimes become hot when in constant use. Be sure to check the sheets for their frequency during use not to burn your dog’s fur. If your blade feels hot to the touch, you can allow it to cool before proceeding, replace it with a cold blade, or use a blade lubricant to keep them cool.


Final Thought How to give a buzz cut

Giving a haircut requires little preparation and only takes a few minutes.


1 Step 1: If the hair is longer than an inch, trim it with scissors first where it is one finger width from the scalp. This will make it easier when using the clipper.

2 Step 2: Once you have trimmed the shorter hair, you can start using the clippers. Make sure you have the correct Equipment / Blade Protection on the clippers. You will see numbers in the attachments and the higher the number of the subsequent scalp the sheet will be. Start at the hairline on the front of the scalp and slowly move the clippers to the middle of the scalp. Do this until all the hair on the top has been cut. Once finished, you can use the clippers around the sides of the head. Move clippers from side to side or top to bottom.

3 Step 3: Once you have finished cutting your hair with the clippers, cut and remove the equipment / blade guard. Use the clippers now to trim the edge up and around the ears. Be very careful around the ears so you don’t cut yourself. You can dust off the neck and re-vacuum excess hair. If the neck is red, you can put talcum powder or talcum powder on the area to help with irritation.

Tips and Warnings

  • Be careful when cutting anyone’s hair with nail clippers or scissors.
by Abdullah Sam
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