
Burropié refers to an expression used to designate people who work for others without conditions or limitations of any kind . This means that they are loyal and have full confidence in serving others without questioning the ethics or morality of the orders issued. This expression derives, as it sounds, from the noun that gives the name to the pet . This would imply that the term burropié indicates a metaphorical comparison of these people with donkeys . The metaphor arises from the fact that these animals are characterized by being noble, loyal and bearing great burdens. Men have used donkeys since ancient times for all kinds of jobs. The history of the donkey as a domestic animal of burden extends to the time of the Greeks and Romans . Today, donkeys are no longer used for traditional tasks due to the replacement by machines and vehicles.

Burropie refers to those people who blindly follow someone else’s orders. The donkey is characterized by having two pairs of hard feet that allow it to hold on tightly to the surfaces they pass through. This is very useful considering that they used to carry them with a lot of weight. For these reasons, it is not surprising that they were considered crude and rough, in addition to being quite exploited animals . Despite this, donkeys were always affable and docile animals that showed great fidelity towards their masters . This made them extremely useful animals and functionalities for different types of work in ancient times. This probably inspired the metaphor of burropié, a Hispanic way of referring to minions . Although the qualification can go further and point to those people who follow and obey people who commit dishonest acts . It would not be strange to find that in some Latin American countries they refer to politicians and officials in this way. In this area it is customary to follow the orders of the political leaders without questioning or questioning. Uses of the term burropié As mentioned above, it is very common to find references to this term as a negative qualifier.

These people called burropies demonstrate not having much of their own will or initiative and therefore blindly follow the orders of others . In some cases they help them divert attention from other acts or cover up reprehensible actions. The burropies present themselves as helpers, followers that others can fully trust. Many times these burropies are ordinary citizens who work for the government or powerful people. And as such, they do not question the failures or errors of their superiors, but even cover them up or tend to divert attention to other issues . In totalitarian states, burropies are frequent figures who are part of the government’s propaganda machine . There they are constantly used to adorn the truth and echo the goodness of leaders. In countries like Ecuador, this term is used to refer to that person who covers up or corrects the faults of another.

by Abdullah Sam
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