Breast milk? Fundamental for the health of the child

Breast milk is the perfect food for feeding babies. This is what the Italian Neonatology Society reiterates, referring to the recent scandal of some pediatricians who, in exchange for benefits, induced mothers to use infant formula.

“Recent news events, which have involved some pediatricians – says the President of the Italian Neonatology Society (Sin), Costantino Romagnoli – have made us point out by the public opinion as proponents of breastfeeding other than maternal and we all know that this is as unfair as it is false. ”

“For years Sin has been committed to the promotion of breastfeeding and the many colleagues who have always dedicated their clinical, training and research activities to the promotion of breastfeeding feel deeply offended”.

What are the benefits of breastfeeding?
Thanks to the mother’s milk, the infant can build his own intestinal bacterial flora and his own immune system. In addition, infants exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months of life are better protected from allergies, asthma, dermatitis, diabetes mellitus, obesity, have a 36% less risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) and 52% to develop celiac disease.
Breast milk is then even more important if the baby is born prematurely. The Milk Banks collect this precious food from women who freely choose to donate it because they have it in abundance.

There are also many benefits for mom. Scientific research has shown that breastfed women have less chance of developing breast cancer and osteoporosis. They also recover first from the consequences of pregnancy and childbirth.

by Abdullah Sam
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