
hey are the particles that transmit the interaction forces between the fermions. The W and Z bosons are the particles that mediate the weak nuclear interaction, one of the four fundamental interactions in nature . They are two types of fundamental particles, very massive, that are generally responsible for changing the flavor of other particles, leptons and quarks .


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  • 1 Forces of Nature
  • 2 Type of Bosons
  • 3 See also
  • 4 Source

Forces of nature

There are four known forces: – The interaction / strong force: Occurs between quarks, which unite to form protons and neutrons . It also binds neutrons and protons to form the atomic nucleus. The carrier particle is called a gluon . – The interaction / weak force: It is responsible, for example, for beta radiation. The carrier particles are the particles W (+), W (-) and Z (0) – The interaction / electromagnetic force: Occurs between electrically charged particles. For example it joins the electrons to the nucleus forming atoms. The carrier particle is the photon. – The interaction / gravitational force: Unites bodies with mass, such as the Sun, the planets and governs the Universe on a large scale. The carrier particle has not yet been discovered (it has been given the name degraviton).

However this force is not considered as a part of particle physics. On the other hand, there are the following quantum field theories: – Quantum chromodynamics: or QCD. Explain the strong interaction and introduce the concept of color for quarks and gluons (they really don’t have color, it’s just a way to assign values ​​to a property). – Electroweak theory: To explain the electroweak interaction. Electroweak interaction is the unification between weak and electromagnetic interaction. – Quantum electrodynamics: or QED. Explain the electromagnetic interaction. It was the first modern quantum field theory, and at the same time it is considered the best-proven theory in physics. – String theory: While there is still no experimental evidence,

Boson Type

Until now it has been possible to detect 5 bosons: – photon Y – boson Z – boson W + – boson W- – gluon g.

Photon γ: it has electric charge 0 and mass 0. It is the quantum of light, it is a carrier of electromagnetism, it acts on electrically charged particles and its range is unlimited.

Z boson: it has an electric charge 0 and a mass of 91 GeV. It is the mediator of weak interaction, it does not alter the identity of the particles.

W bosons: they have electric charge +1 or -1 and a mass of 80.4 GeV. They are mediators of weak interaction, they modify the flavor of the particles.

Γ gluons: there are 8 species of γ gluons. They have 0 electric charge and 91 GeV mass. They are the carriers of the strong force, they act on quarks and other gluons giving rise to protons, neutrons and forming with them the atomic nuclei.

Higgs boson: it is the particle that gives matter its mass (amount of matter in the senses of gravity and inertia).


by Abdullah Sam
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