Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline personality disorder implies, for those who suffer from it, a great difficulty in managing and controlling their emotions. This is at the mercy of sudden and sudden changes and characterized by a marked underlying instability.

The term Borderline was coined , in the psychological field, to respond to the need for a new diagnostic category that was not possible to include in the field of psychosis or neurosis . The literal translation of the term borderline, is in fact, borderland.

For a long time psychologists and psychiatrists, of different orientations, have tried to define this category of disorder as clearly as possible.

Today, borderline disorder is clearly identified in psychiatric and psychological manuals and can be traced back to a precise psychological functioning. Those suffering from borderline disorder struggle to control their emotions, this is the central element.

Symptoms of Borderline Disorder

The extreme emotionality of these subjects has repercussions on various aspects of life . First of all, the constancy of the sense of self is striking, which appears to be fleeting and discontinuous. These subjects cannot count on a stable perception of themselves, which provides the experience with continuity support .

The extreme emotionality of the background leads them, therefore, to live without references, like a ship that proceeds without coordinates. This has repercussions on several levels.

Let’s take the relational one into consideration. Those who suffer from this disorder are unable to live a stable and lasting relationship ; the reports are marked by intensity and brevity. This characteristic appears clear in the suddenness of the ways in which these subjects idealize and devalue themselves and others . They throw themselves headlong into a relationship, and then turn around with the same ease and superficiality.

We must not think that these subjects are pretending; they really experience relationships so intensely , it’s just that it’s not possible for them to have consistency in this feeling. The idealization / devaluation pertains to the desperate attempt to find in the real that reference that is missing internally.

Furthermore, another characteristic symptom of borderline disorder is the feeling of emptiness . This feeling could be linked to the lack, at that moment, of a significant relationship from an emotional point of view, as if these subjects did not feel they exist if not when a partner exists, without the Other they do not exist.

The extreme emotional reactivity also leads them to engage in a series of dangerous behaviors for themselves and for others , which often result as an attempt to find a remedy for unbearable emotions. They are used to incurring drug abuse , self-harm, reckless behavior and seeking danger, promiscuous sexual experiences.

At the same time, these subjects do not worry about the serious dangers to which they expose themselves and feel they want to live their life “fully”. Under these reasons, however, it is possible to trace the attempt to find a solution to painful feelings and affects. Unfortunately, emotionality, not contained and uncontrollable, can be such as to lead to truly extreme gestures , only to seek immediate relief.

Causes of Borderline Disorder

The causes of borderline disorder can be traced back to the joint effect of the three main spheres that affect the development of the mind: the biological aspect , of a genetic-hereditary nature; the social aspect , linked to the life contexts that influence the subject, primarily the family; and the psychological aspect, linked to the unique and personal characteristics of each individual .

In the case of borderline disorder, in addition to an important “innate” subjective fragility, it is often impossible to experience the possibility of strong and constant references in the environment . This lack of meaningful references affects the ability to maintain a more constant sense of self. To tell the truth, this problem is easily found at the origin of most mental disorders.

Possible solutions

Finally, in the case of a borderline subject, the prospect of psychotherapy, together with pharmacological support in the most delicate situations, can be the most effective support . Through the experience of therapy the borderline subject can build that inner reference that he could not equip himself with, he can find a compromise between the black and white of his life.


by Abdullah Sam
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