Benefits of organic food

Today we will talk about the benefits of organic food for our organism and our ecosystem .

That we are what we eat may sound topical, and although it is true, what is also true is that our body is a reflection, no doubt, of our diet.

Leading a healthy life is a consequence, in large part, of leading a healthy diet, and although, today, it may seem complicated to do so because of the great influence we receive to consume processed products, the reality is that we also have within our reach a Wide range of healthy products and eating organic food is possible.

What are the benefits of organic food?

Organic food has many benefits, and not only for humans, but also for animals and the environment. Here is a list of some of the most important benefits.

1. It is more beneficial to our health

Organic foods are healthier and it is a fact. First, they are free of chemicals, such as pesticides, antibiotics, synthetic fertilizers, additives and preservatives. These synthetic products, used by conventional agriculture, can be very harmful for our body over the years.

In addition, by growing food in soils balanced by natural fertilizers, the products are much more nutritious.

2. Organic food is pesticide free

These foods are free of chemical pesticides, which means we do not consume toxic waste. There are studies that show that the consumption of these toxic substances from pesticides causes serious diseases such as cancer, allergies and asthma.

As if that were not enough, the use of these products also pollutes the environment and damages the health of the worker who is using it as it inhales it directly.

3. Does not contain antibiotics

Organic food does not make use of antibiotics. That is to say, it does not provide this type of substances to its livestock, nor tranquilizers or hormones. Eating meat from animals that have been given these hormones can be very harmful to our health, causing cancers such as breast and prostate.

4. Does not contain genetically modified organisms

When a food is genetically modified its properties are altered causing risks to our health among other things. The fact that changing the gene of, for example, a vegetable, makes it more resistant also means that it loses many nutrients.

This not only creates problems in health, but also creates a disadvantage for the environment, since there is a super production and invasion of ecosystems that end up ending with original species.

5. Organic food takes care of the environment

Organic farming fertilizes the land and slows desertification; favors water retention and does not contaminate aquifers; promotes biodiversity; maintains the habitats of wild animals, allowing and favoring the life of numerous species; respects the natural cycles of crops, favors biodiversity and ecological balance, enhances the natural fertility of soils and the productive capacity of the agricultural system; Recycle nutrients by incorporating them back into the soil as compost or organic fertilizers, and optimally use natural resources.

6. Respect animal welfare

Organic farming respects the welfare of animals in a very strict way. He wants to avoid the maximum stress and discomfort suffered by super exploited animals and enhance growth in semi freedom. This makes it possible for animals to grow at a natural rate and in favorable conditions.

Animals are not manipulated artificially or intensively with the use of techniques such as artificial insemination or use of hormones.

Animals are fed naturally, with organic feed as well.

This means that the animal grows healthy and that its products are of higher quality.

7. Promotes proximity trade

Organic food also benefits local commerce. The consumption of this has a very positive impact on our society, encourages the occupation of agricultural land, preserves the local heritage, preserves the agricultural landscape, assumes jobs and helps build a society that creates relationships and ties between people, besides favoring the support of the local economy.

8. It has more quality levels

The production system used in organic food is backed by quality certifications established by the European regulation 2092/91. All the processes that carry out these systems are controlled, regulated and certified by control companies and accredited certifications.

9. It is richer in nutrients and tastier

By not being genetically modified and free of any chemical substance, food retains its intact properties, that is, they contain a much higher amount of nutrients, proteins and vitamins. In addition this also means that they have a greater flavor since they are grown in an artisanal way.

In Sakai they are totally committed and bet on organic food. On its page you will find a wide range of organic products to complement your diet in the most healthy and sustainable way.


by Abdullah Sam
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