10 Examples of Organic Food

Within the human diet there are endless examples of organic foods that are consumed constantly and regularly. These allow a healthy and complete diet ; however, they are often confused with natural foods, due to their production.

There are interesting ways to combine food to have a healthy diet, but for this you must know which are the best organic foods available.

What are organic foods?

Also known as organic foods , are those that have a certification from a specialized body; that legitimizes that they have been produced and manipulated under certain technical specifications.

To achieve this certification, its producers must guarantee that no chemical elements were used during the entire production process.

This means that agrochemical fertilizer and a natural pest control system were used; and any additives, preservatives or accelerators were avoided in the process.

As if that were not enough, the packaging used for its transport must be made with biodegradable products , so that they do not contaminate the environment after use.

Thanks to all this handling, the food has unsurpassed quality and care, which is why it offers an exceptional appearance and flavor, as well as improvements in terms of nutritional content.

Benefits of organic food

The production of organic food has a series of benefits at an environmental, economic and health level for those who consume it. Among these we have:

  • They have a greater quantity of nutrients , vitamins and minerals ; where iron, vitamin C, magnesium and antioxidants stand out.
  • They retain less water, which maximizes flavors and aromas.
  • Meat products contain a lower degree of natural fats.
  • They do not produce any type of environmental contamination, in addition to the fact that the residues can be reused as compost.
  • They do not contain chemical or artificial residues that are harmful to health, as well as hormones or the presence of radiation.
  • Its production is usually much cheaper, since equally natural and biodegradable products are used.

These data come from the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements ; organization that creates standards and projects worldwide for organic production and healthy eating.

Examples of organic foods

Within the food market there are many types of products and ingredients of organic origin; they are generally found in organic markets. Let’s see some examples:

1. Meat

The animals used in the production of organic meats also have a healthy diet based on organic products.

Within these are chicken, rabbit, pork, turkey and eggs.

2. Vegetables

They are all those fruits, vegetables, plants, grains and legumes. These include corn, avocado, beans, lemon, banana, rice, apple, tomato, strawberries, etc.

3. Dairy

It happens similar to meat foods in relation to animal feeding , although they can also be obtained from plant foods.

Of these foods, milk, cheese, yogurt, whey, custard, milk cream, etc. stand out.

4. Cereals

It is about all those sprouts and whole seeds used for the preparation of flours, and which in turn are used in bakeries.

In this sense, there is corn and wheat flour, as well as breads and pastas.

5. Nuts

They are those fruits that have their own classification, in addition to belonging to vegetables, since their percentage of water is less than 50%.

Among them are almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, pistachio, peanuts, sesame seeds, etc.

6. Drinks

In this classification not only natural juice and vegetable drinks enter , some alcoholic beverages can also be included.

That said, juices, smoothies, wines, beers, etc. stand out.

7. Spices

They are all those plants that, once harvested, are dehydrated to be used as condiments, drinks or medicinal herbs.

Among these are oregano, pepper, bay leaf, thyme, teas, coffee, etc.

8. Oils

They are substances extracted by means of pressure, which come from different types of vegetables, fruits, seeds or plants.

For example, there is sunflower, olive, coconut, grape, almond oil, among others.

9. Sweets

It is about those sweets of natural origin, without any type of artificial addition, as well as the same sugar that comes from cane.

Some of these are candied, preserves, raisins, dried plums, etc.

10. Mushrooms

Mushrooms also fall into this classification, and it is a kind of plant food .

Among the most common are mushrooms, truffles, shiitakes, among others.

Now, to practice healthy eating and a complete diet, it is necessary to combine several products.

Many of these examples of organic foods are naturally added to each meal; however, there are others that escape from what is considered normal.

In addition to this, many people prefer to grow their organic food themselves; taking into account the regulations, and making sure to have all possible products.


by Abdullah Sam
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