12 Examples of Cereals

As food, the numerous examples of cereals give us energy in a flexible and calm way. Its complex carbohydrates favor the digestive and eliminatory function.

In addition, its B vitamins are excellent for mental activity and the nervous system, in combination with its antioxidants, minerals, and other nutrients.

What are the 12 examples of cereals?

1. Amaranth

Regarding the types of unrefined cereals , this grain has a high amount of calcium , phosphorus, iron, magnesium and potassium, being among the few cereals that have vitamin C.

A curious fact is that in Mexico, an amaranth-based drink is made which, according to its inhabitants, helps fight depression.

2. Brown rice

It is among the most important whole grain models , as its nutritional balance is almost perfect. Ideal for all organs, especially the brain , intestines and the reproductive system.

3. Avena

Thanks to its high fiber content, it is ideal to start the day, either seasoned with fruit or nuts such as almonds and walnuts or served as porridge.

Lowers cholesterol and cares for blood vessels. It was widely used by settlers who came to the United States , where it is said that “oats built America.”

4. Bulgur

Originally from the Middle East, bulgur is a food made from durum wheat. It is an ingredient in salads and other Arab preparations such as tabbouleh.

5. Barley

Regarding which cereals are good for weight loss , barley stands out as one of the grains with the highest amount of fiber.

Not surprisingly, it is highly valued in diets, because it can dissolve fat deposited in the body. Its antioxidants, minerals and vitamins make it ideal for growth

6. Centeno

Abundant in phenolic acids, antioxidants and fiber, it is especially recommended for people who do a lot of physical activity . In the form of bread, it is very delicious.

7. Spelled

This ancient variant of wheat is back in fashion, thanks to its low gluten content. It has a characteristic flavor, which emulates that of the walnut.

8. Kasha or buckwheat

It brings with it a great content of copper, lysine, manganese, protein and zinc , as well as being a delicious accompaniment to certain types of sauce.

9. Corn

Referring to the classes of whole grains , corn is the best known and famous in the world. With a rich sweet flavor, it is abundant in antioxidants and vitamin A.

10. Mijo 

Widely used in some South American countries, India and Russia, it is a highly nutritious cereal, capable of controlling conditions such as diabetes and inflammation.

In fact, the robust complexion of the Russians is due to the fact that they consume millet and buckwheat.

11. Quinoa

It gathers the 9 essential amino acids and is an excellent supply of protein. It is taken as flakes at breakfast, salad at noon or as a complement to other dishes for dinner.

It is gluten-free, so it is highly recommended for people intolerant to it.

12. Wheat

To begin with, wheat is the mainstay of bread, the most important food product in history. Prepared with freshly ground flour and fermented with mother yeast, it pampers the palate.

On the other hand,  (typical North African food) is made with durum wheat and accompanied with chickpea stews, vegetables, etc.

Other cereal species

Commonly, they are used for breakfast:

The. sugary

As its name indicates, it contains high amounts (sometimes too much) of sugar.

Although it’s geared toward kids, it’s highly processed (has few useful ingredients) and includes inflated amounts of additives and preservatives.

b. hot

Obviously, they are served and eaten while hot. They can be healthy and sugar-free, as well as sugary and processed.

It should be noted that without sugar they are healthier, and can be enriched with much healthier foods such as fruits and honey.

c. whole grain

It contains minerals, vitamins and many useful nutrients for the human body, which makes it one of the healthiest variants.

Among its characteristics, it is to reduce sugar and cholesterol in the blood , in addition to avoiding the bad habit of overeating, among other things.

d. of bran

Characterized by its abundant amounts of insoluble fiber, it contributes to good digestion and prevents constipation.

Likewise, it provides a prolonged feeling of satiety, thus eliminating the need to eat for a longer time.

It is. Organic

Specifically, organic cereals are those that do not use genetically modified ingredients, artificial fertilizers or pesticides, and their sweeteners are natural, such as honey.

To end…

There is a wide variety of cereals, refined or not. The refined ones (in grain) are very nutritious, and their natural consumption favors the conservation of their components.

In other words, its intake in natural mode allows you to make better use of its nutrients.


by Abdullah Sam
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