We call natural resources all those goods and materials that can be obtained from nature , and human beings can use them as they are provided by nature or through transformations related to their benefit, that is, those products and goods that are obtained directly from nature and are used by humans, either for immediate consumption or use or to be transformed into other goods that provide a service or utility.
Examples of natural resources:
1. Swine
2. Cattle
3. Sheep
4. Cereal cultivation
5. Fruit products
6. Vegetables
7. Fungi
8. Goat cattle
9. Fishery resources
10. Game products
11 Harvesting products
12. Energy generated by the tides
13. Hydroelectric energy
14. Solar energy
15. Wind
energy 16. Geothermal energy
17. Trees
18. Fruit
cultivation 19. Vegetable cultivation
20. Underground aquifers
21 Agate
22. Drinking water
23. Aquamarine
24. Aluminum
25. Amethyst
26. Bauxite
27. Pitch
28. Carbon
29. Cobalt
30. Copper
31. Chromium
32. Diamond
33. Emerald
34. Tin
35. Natural gas
36. Graphite
37. Garnet
38. Iron
39. Coal
40. Jade
41 Magnesium
42. Mercury
43. Molybdenum
44. Nickel
45. Onyx
46. Opal
47. Gold
48. Palladium
49. Peridot
50. Petroleum
51. Pyrite
52. Silver
53. Platinum
54. Lead
55. Ruby
56. Titanium
57. Topaz
58. Thorium
59. Tourmaline
60. Turquoise
61. Uranium
62. Vanadium
63. Tungsten
64. Gypsum
65. Sapphire
66. Zinc
67. Zirconium
Types of natural resources:
The different resources found in nature can be classified into two large groups, which are renewable and non-renewable resources .
Non-renewable natural resources:
Non-renewable natural resources are those goods that are extracted from nature but whose existence is limited , either because they do not have natural mechanisms that allow their renewal, or because their replacement mechanisms in nature are very slow and may take centuries and even millions of years, as would be the cases of resources such as oil or coal (which take millions of years to form from organic waste), or of forests that take decades and even centuries to regenerate. A good part of the non-renewable resources are mineral resources that once the deposits are exhausted cannot be replaced in a natural way, so both recycling and careful and responsible use are necessary for their proper use and conservation.
Click to see examples of non-renewable natural resources .
Renewable natural resources:
Renewable natural resources are those that the human being can have , and thanks to possessing some natural mechanism or by the action of the human hand, they can be replenished or regenerated within a certain margin of time . This is the case of resources such as agriculture, which are replaced from time to time by human labor, or water and forest resources. Although it is mentioned that although some resources are renewable, such as forests or the replacement of aquifers in a natural way, due to the long period that elapses for their restoration and the slowness of the processes, they are usually counted among non-renewable resources.
Among the resources that cannot be replaced by natural mechanisms, we find mineral resources, among these we find metals, which, although they cannot be restored to nature, can instead be reused, that is, through of human action can be reused. The resources that nature provides us are so varied and found in different quantities that listing them would be impossible, however we can mention some examples of both renewable and non-renewable natural resources that exist in nature and that human beings can have for themselves. .