BeBee (Social Network)

Bebee (Social Network) . This platform allows users to connect with other people related to their work and personal interests and thus users can find a job related to their tastes and needs. It’s free and available to iOS and Android users


beBee social network


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  • 1 History
  • 2 Differences between beBee and LinkedIn
  • 3 Sources
  • 4 External Links



Javier Cámara, CEO of beBee

It is a social network Spanish that was created in February of 2015 . This is the definition given by its creators to what Bebee is: “Bebee is a social network of affinity”, in which each user connects with content and people related to him. It combines both the professional and the personal aspect, with this it is intended to promote networking with those people related to you. They detected that in social networks there was a lot of content that was not relevant for users (a lot of noise) and certain deficiencies in Linkedin, so they decided to create this social network. It currently has more than 10 million users in more than 100 countries – United Kingdom , Argentina , Mexicoor India -, of which about 4 million are in Spain .

Differences between beBee and LinkedIn

  • It does not focus exclusively on employment: It also aims to be a social network in which users share their hobbies and other personal aspects, but each one in their corresponding hive, this is how groups are defined in this network.
  • Greater affinity: This is the characteristic in which they want to differentiate. Continuing with the previous point, when you share each topic in your hive, you will not receive notifications that have nothing to do with your interests. You will join the hives that you consider can add value to you, those for which you feel the greatest affinity and it will be in them where you interact. With this, the information that reaches you is more relevant to you.


beBee and social networks

  • Greater breadth in the job offer: On LinkedIn the profiles are higher (executives, technology, marketing ) while in beBee there is a greater variety (plumbers, mechanics , doctors , etc). It also has a greater job offer than LinkedIn (about 12,000 compared to 51,000 for beBee).
  • Easier to connect with other users: The system that is followed in beBee is similar to that of Twitter , that is, if someone interests you, then you give them to follow. You do not need to send an invitation to that person and have them accept it.
  • All its services are free: beBee is financed by advertising, so it does not charge for its services. If you want to offer your services or it is a company that wants to do it, it is completely free


by Abdullah Sam
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