Baby squids in their ink

Baby squid in its ink Baby squid is the name by which popular young squid is popularly known. Like squids , they are cephalopods that belong to the decapod family .


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  • 1 Nutritional properties of baby squid
  • 2 Benefits of baby squid
  • 3 Ingredients
  • 4 Preparation mode
  • 5 Sources

Nutritional properties of baby squid

From a nutritional point of view, baby squid (like squid) stands out at first for its very high quality protein content, providing all the essential amino acids . It is also a really low fat and calorie food: 100 grams of baby squid provide only 80 kilocalories and 1.60 grams of fat). Its cholesterol content is somewhat lower than squid, although it is also recommended to consume it in moderation, for example one or two servings a week are good amounts to enjoy the different benefits of baby squid, but without posing a problem for our levels of cholesterol in blood .

Regarding its nutritional content, it stands out above all for its content in:

Minerals: among which we can find potassium , magnesium , zinc , phosphorus , iron and manganese .

Vitamins: Vitamin A, B3 and B12.

In addition, it is a food with low mercury content , which we find in polluted oceans.

Baby squid benefits

There is no doubt that baby squid is at least a really healthy food, since it provides very interesting amounts of good quality protein (being ideal, for example, for athletes and for all those who want to develop their muscles), they are low in fat and therefore in calories. Hence, its consumption is recommended in people who follow weight loss diets, although in this aspect we must take into account what form of cooking we use in its preparation, being the healthiest on the grill, and avoiding frying or coating them.


  • Onion
  • garlic .
  • White wine.
  • Oil Salt.
  • Rice or fat noodles (optional).
  • Baby squids with their ink.

Preparation method

Finely chop the garlic and onion and make a rehash with it; Before it begins to brown, add the baby squid, clean and with its ink, together with the white wine. Let it cook for the necessary time until the baby squid acquire a suitable consistency to be consumed. In the event that we want to make a stew with this dish we will proceed to add the rice or the noodle (according to our choice) at the same time as the baby squid.


by Abdullah Sam
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