10 Audit Objectives You Must Know

Audit Objectives.The Main objective of auditing must be Advising the administrators, providing them with independent assessments, assisting them in the effective performance of their responsibilities on the general system of controls.

The Audit is done by applying appropriate procedures, to give consistency to the analysis performed, using:

  • Physical exam
  • Confirmation
  • Examination of original documents
  • Calculation conference
  • Bookkeeping exam
  • Thorough investigation
  • Inquiry
  • Examination of auxiliary records
  • Correlation of information
  • Note

Some of Audit Objectives are: 
a) Safeguarding the assets and, in general, obtaining efficient control over all the vital aspects of the business; 
b) To stimulate the efficiency of the personnel, through the surveillance that is exercised through the reports;
c) Proof of the veracity of the accounting, financial and operational reports and reports;
d) Location of errors and waste, while promoting uniformity and correction when registering operations, and
e) Fraud prevention and, in case of occurrence, the possibility of discovering them as soon as possible and determining its extension.

The general objective of the performance audit with management staff is to assist in the performance of their functions and responsibilities, according to the planning and the work program, assessing whether the organization, the department, the activities, the systems, the controls, the functions or operations are reaching the objectives of the company or organization. It is also necessary to consider as a premise the search for the three “Es”, being them :.

Some of the objectives of the auditing are: 

1 Efficiency : it is the relationship between obtaining maximum levels of production with the minimum possible resources, taking into account the appropriate quantity and quality and the resources used to produce or achieve them; lower cost, higher speed, better quality.


2 Economics : it is the optimal use of human, material and financial resources, considering the cost / benefit ratio. It is part of the management of the virtues of savings and good domestic economy.


3 Effectiveness : the results obtained are in accordance with the objectives proposed by the company or organization, according to the established policies, the operational goals and other expected results and effects.

Jung Jung (2006, p. 114) writes that this general objective can be deployed in several other specific objectives, within the same scope, such as :.

  • Evaluation of internal management controls as to their adequacy and effectiveness;
  • Identification of failures and irregularities in the operational cycle;
  • Validation of the performance of the audited sector and its operational cycle;
  • Adherence of administrative operational actions to policies, plans and guidelines;
  • Verification of the causes of inefficiency or waste.

In this way, we can observe that the objective of the performance audit is to provide subsidies to all members of the administration, in order to improve management in the search for efficiency through economy to achieve effectiveness.

The performance audit is characterized by the application of the operational evaluation in the company or in the organization in which it is implemented. Each company or organization has its own needs and, therefore, a program is applied and developed to assess internal controls according to the processes, the portfolio of customers and suppliers, the projects, the segmented or not activities, the system, the departments and operations. The performance audit has the characteristic of using management assessment at the different hierarchical levels in each area, according to the program and also according to the extent of exams such as:

  • Strategic planning, policies, plans and goals;
  • Functional structure, facilities, production, processes, etc .;
  • Methods and routines of the activities developed according to the planning;
  • Internal controls and administrative and managerial controls;
  • Use of resources, probable and improbable losses;
  • Results achieved;
  • Verification as to the use and application of rules, laws, regulations and standards applied to the activity.

Therefore, all these steps that characterize the Operational Audit (carried out according to the program appropriate to the activities of the company / organization) aim to verify the activities and processes in the constant search for the improvement of controls, the rationalization of processes and the improvement of management administrative and managerial, in order to influence decision making.

Therefore, all these steps that characterize the Operational Audit (carried out according to the program appropriate to the activities of the company / organization) aim to verify the activities and processes in the constant search for the improvement of controls, the rationalization of processes and the improvement of management administrative and managerial, in order to influence decision making.

by Abdullah Sam
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