Atopic dermatitis: increases in children. Smog and pollution under accusation

Atypical dermatitis , an increasingly common disorder in Europe, especially among children under 5 years of age . One in two children would be affected in more or less serious and visible forms. The biggest defendant of the phenomenon? The pollution . Skin problems for children would be more frequent in cities most affected by smog .

According to what declared by the World Health Organization, most of the childhood diseases in Europe should be traced back to the unhealthy and unsafe environment in which today’s children find themselves living, forced to be exposed to pollution since more tender age.

Atopic dermatitis is currently considered to be the most widespread of the skin pathologies found in children. It has seen evident growth over the past 30 years, a period in which pollution and environmental conditions have only progressively worsened, especially in industrialized countries.

According to experts , the actual pollution would influence the pathology, accompanied by humidity, dust, food allergies and nutritional deficiencies . A set of elements that only delineate the situation of imbalance and unease that the children of the new millennium find themselves facing due to the environmental consequences of the choices made by those who preceded them.

The situation, according to doctors, can be improved through nutrition . A diet rich in fruit and vegetables , fiber and cereals is therefore recommended , accompanied by oils and fats of vegetable origin and water. Sweetened drinks and overly refined foods should be limited. If parents feel powerless against pollution, they can therefore improve their child’s nutrition in order to prevent skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis and with the aim of preserving health through it, remembering how food should be considered the first medicine and the first source of prevention .

by Abdullah Sam
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