ArcheAge beginner’s guide

In this article for the greenest, we will talk about what ArcheAge is and what a beginner needs to do in the early stages of the game.

So, Arch Age (the name is pronounced that way) is a Korean MMORPG, localized by Today, the Arch Age game can be considered one of the most sophisticated free-to-play online games. The game itself should not be considered very difficult – the main thing here is to understand and sort through the shelves that heap of knowledge that will fall on you. Therefore, we will talk about what a beginner should know about the Arc Age game, and what knowledge will help him at the start.

The simplest and most familiar MMOTPG element is character leveling. Everyone who has played an MMORPG at least once is well aware of how it happens: we knock out quests in the next village, complete them, get experience, a reward, and move on. Usually one of these quests leads us to the next location, everything is simple

In the ArcheAge game there is such an opportunity as overcompleting quests. It makes sense to use this opportunity when you think that your hero is too low in level to move on. For example, if instead of eight monsters that you should have killed on assignment, you kill ten, then you will be given a large reward for this.

There are also hidden quests in the game. For example, by killing an enemy, you can unexpectedly receive an additional reward.

By installing the Lesser Scarecrow, you can get your first lot in the game

In the game ArcheAge you should not go headlong into pumping. The maximum level is reached in two to three weeks of leisurely play. Don’t forget that in addition to reaching the highest level, the game has a lot of important things, one of which is crafts. If you seriously decided to tackle ArcheAge, then you should know – there are no crafts in this game anywhere. For example, artisans create the best armor, cooks cook food that raises your stats in battle, alchemists create healing potions, and so on.

At the start, no one limits you in the number of professions you choose, you can just pump up to the highest level only a few of them, and to the maximum you can do just one.

In development, you are limited by work points, they are spent for any action in the craft. Those who play for free recover these points simply by being in the game. However, in this way they recover very slowly and in small quantities. So if you decide to take ArcheAge seriously, then it is definitely worth getting a premium account.

What does a premium account give? Many things, for example, you will recover more points even when you are out of the game. You can also restore work points with special elixirs or sleep in your own home.

Here we come to another important part of the ArcheAge game that cannot be ignored – real estate. This includes an ordinary and underwater farm, houses, and so on.

In each location of the Arc Age game there are several territories for the construction of players. You can see where they are using the map. But it must be borne in mind that the place for construction is limited, and in the most populated locations it is sometimes very difficult to build a house or grow a vegetable garden. There are only two ways out here – either go to other sparsely populated areas, or buy a plot from another player.

Closer to level 10, you will complete the quest for which a small scarecrow is issued. By the way, the farm should be your first building. After you install the small scarecrow, you will have access to a small piece of land.

After installing the small scarecrow, you should start completing the quest chain for the large scarecrow, which opens up access to the site 4 times more.

The most important building in the game is the house. Its main function is that you can install machines to create items of a higher level in it. In the house, you can also install a chest for storing things, a bed on which work points are restored faster, and a mailbox. Finally, you can teleport to the house from anywhere in the world, however, you have to spend a special stone.

Now about trade and currency. In addition to the four types of currency – gold, tears of nui, points of honor and Delphic stars – the Donat currency is also added – crystals.

Let’s start in order, gold is required to buy from NPCs and at the auction. Nui’s tears are awarded for some quests, and are spent on special stones for moving between continents. Honor points are also awarded for some quests, and they can also be obtained by killing enemies. They can be exchanged for very good equipment. You can purchase crystals for real money. For them you can buy any items in the game store. Well, the most important currency is the Delphic stars, for which such important things are bought as blueprints for building a house or a ship. They are earned using a special trading system. Its essence is that in each game location you can produce some unique goods, pack them and exchange them for Delphic stars. The further you drove the cargo, the greater the reward.

Such trading leads to the conclusion that ArcAge is a game in which there is practically nothing to do without friends. A small group of players can form a family here. It makes more sense to create a guild. In the collective, many problems are easily solved. We won’t talk about joint raids and other trifles. Because the transportation of goods within the continent is better done within the company.

And of course, joining one of the strongest guilds on your server is the only way to settle down on the northern continent, where the most interesting events in the game will take place over time. So it is advisable to start looking for a suitable guild from the very first day – this will save you from many problems.

Everything that is described in this article is just the basic things that a beginner should know on the very first day of acquaintance with the game. Thanks for attention.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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