Aquaphobia Anxiety;Fear of Water

It is good that we can be scared as human beings. If we could not be scared, it is unlikely that we would survive.

If we as humans cannot react when we get scared, like when we stand on the sidewalk and see or hear a large truck coming roaring but just crossing the road, our lives were in danger. SO most people, when they reflect well, can see the point in learning from real fear.

However, suffering from one or more phobias is another form of anxiety. For we know that we react to an either irrational or excessive anxiety, but are held in an iron grip where we fail to act constructively and take the situation up and down. As described elsewhere on this page, there are of course biological preconditions as well as unconscious handed down phenomena, for which it is good to have a natural and healthy respect. One of these phenomena is water.

But when we develop a definite fear of water, so that we do not dare to go in the swimming pool, – so that we are frightened and panic by seeing or staying by a dark forest lake, – so that we do not swim at the beach in the summer, even though there are neither sea snakes nor crayfish that can bite us in the toes, we have to do something. Many people think that they can probably grow out of fear of water. And depending on what it is that has triggered the fear of water, there is also meaning in this.

But when people are more than 25 years old and shudder at the thought of getting their head under water, – do not dare to dive in the swimming pool, fail to swim outdoors, avoid certain areas where there is water, – are excessively anxious when they have to go through a tunnel such as the Limfjord tunnel or the tunnel at Sprogø, it is time to acknowledge that this is too restrictive, and something must be done.
For we must have, as mentioned earlier, a healthy respect for water. But we must not be afraid, so we are paralyzed.


Here are some stories from people who have described their Aquaphobia, fear of water:

Female, 52 years.

I have been an avid morning swimmer before and have never been afraid to get my head under water. I have almost been what is somewhat popularly called “a water dog”. I was hit by a violent flu and stress period at the same time in the fall, and was bedridden and weakened for several months. When I wanted to resume my morning swimming after Christmas and had been looking forward to it, I had an anxiety attack in the swimming pool. Suddenly I experienced a fear of whether I would drown. Suddenly I could not remember how to swim and I had to be helped out of the swimming pool. It was very confusing and humiliating and ever since I have avoided water. I can stand going in the shower, but can see that I have changed behavior when I wash hair. I’m extremely focused on not getting water down over my face. And since I’ll be on summer vacation with my grandchildren for a few weeks, near the ocean, I’ll need help dealing with this. I do not have to become a water dog again, but I must get rid of this horror and panic and strengthen my belief that I can hold my breath under water and that I can swim
My comment: This woman is swimming again. 4 treatments


Male, 61 years.

For the first time in my life, I have experienced being paralyzed by anxiety. It came like lightning from a clear sky and I am still shocked at the powers that anxiety has. I was on holiday in Sweden, with my wife and some friends. We’ve been there before. One night I slept badly and the next day we went down to a lake where we have bathed before, I tend to be one of those who go in first and suddenly I was paralyzed by anxiety. I could not go out into the water at all. For me, the lake became more and more dark, and even though I used my intellect and explained to myself that there was nothing to be afraid of, I could not go out into the water. It’s been with me ever since. I can feel that when I think of the North Sea, where I have enjoyed swimming, and when I think of something as banal as swimming pools, I get an extreme craving in my stomach and feel like fleeing. That’s weird. Why does such a thing happen? And what can I do about it. I do not want in hypnosis. Because I do not believe in that.
My comment: 5 treatments – and he swims again. Without us using hypnosis.


Male, 26 years.

I’m training to be a fighter. Next time we go to the “module”, I know that we must be able to stand on a 3 meter seesaw and with our backs to the water surface and let ourselves fall into the water. I am simply paralyzed by anxiety. I know all the mental techniques to be able to stay focused and let the body fall, for my instructors are super skilled and motivating, but I can not. I have trained in the local swimming pool, and now I have 4 times had to turn around and take a head jump, because I can do that well. It’s a weird thing. When I can see the water, I’m not scared. When I have to throw myself backwards, I feel like a rabbit paralyzed by the fox. Help me. For if I do not pass this ordeal, I can not complete my education.
My comment:2 treatments. He is now fully trained as a fighter soldier


As you can read, what triggers the fear of water is very variable. And how it is experienced. If you have a child who has a fear of water, is my recommendation, you are making it more and more safe for the child to stay near and in water. Knowing that you are there, as a calm, happy and confident adult. However, if you are over 25 and suffer from water fear, there is little chance that it will become less by itself, and then you need to do something about it.

Hypnosis is not necessary. All anxiety can be reduced even without hypnosis, using simple and powerful techniques.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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