Anxiety crisis: why we should not ignore it publicity

We often hear about anxiety. In the modern world, it seems that each time we find this theme in newspapers, magazines and articles on the most diverse social media.

Having a certain amount of anxiety about an event or a certain situation is normal, something typical of human beings.

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But the question we ask is: when to worry about anxiety? At what point is it no longer normal? Why shouldn’t we ignore an anxiety attack?

Stay tuned and follow our article, as it will address the main questions and answers about anxiety crisis. Check out:

After all, what is anxiety?

Anxiety is nothing more than an emotional state of anguish and internal restlessness caused by thoughts that lead the individual to be in a hurry about a certain event or even to believe that something bad may happen to him or to others.

It is a feeling that can leave the person out of control, out of his mind and able to imagine only bad facts in his mind.

What are the main symptoms of anxiety?

The symptoms of anxiety are numerous. We list below some of them for knowledge, reinforcing that they can come combined or isolated. It varies greatly from the level of anxiety and the situation in which the individual is.

  • Feeling of fear;
  • Sweating on the palms and soles;
  • Feeling of suffocation or drowning;
  • Body tremors;
  • Impression that everything that is happening to you is out of reality; • Depersonalization;
  • Feeling that you will lose control;

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  • Fear of people realizing that you are feeling sick;
  • Fear to die;
  • Fear of not being helped if you pass out or have your condition aggravated;
  • Feeling of shortness of breath;
  • Tightness and stitches in the chest,
  • Tachycardia.

What is an anxiety attack?

The anxiety crisis is an extreme episode of anxiety, where the individual has a very heavy burden of various symptoms of anxiety due to a high concern about a certain situation.

A common symptom in all anxiety attacks is the fear that sets in suddenly. This fear is usually accompanied by about three or more symptoms of anxiety.

An anxiety attack lasts around 15 to 20 minutes, but its peak occurs in the first 10 minutes. Then there is a decline in adrenaline levels and extreme anxiety ceases.

I’m having an anxiety attack right now: what should I do?

Faced with an established anxiety crisis, the person should:

  • Try your best to focus your thinking on things that can distract you, redirecting your ideas to reality, without giving rise to what is causing you fear.
  • Try to talk to someone close to you; meditate positive thoughts;
  • Try to restore yourself, as sometimes the anxious individual tends to depersonalize him;

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  • Verbalize your anxiety with someone you trust who is close to you;
  • Remember that you are bigger than that bad feeling, that you are in charge and try to readjust your thoughts instead;
  • It is important that you do not despair or place too much emphasis on the symptoms of anxiety at the time of the crisis, as focusing too much on certain symptoms will only cause them to gain a greater proportion and, therefore, will increase the intensity of the crisis. , also extending your time.

Should an anxiety crisis be ignored?

Never! As previously said, having a little anxiety at certain times is normal for human beings, but when anxiety becomes disturbing, distressing, it suffocates you and generates fear of happening again, this is no longer considered normal.

Whenever anxiety is recurrent or you notice that it has been affecting your life and / or the lives of people close to you, it is necessary to seek medical help to help you get out of an emotional state and collaborate in the view for quality of life.

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It is extremely important to seek professional help as soon as possible, as it is very common for crises to repeat themselves more and more intensely when there is no search for treatment.

It is worth remembering that the peak of an anxiety crisis is that it becomes a picture of panic syndrome. More aggravating situation that deserves even more attention

What is the treatment to prevent new anxiety attacks?

Among the forms of treatment for anxiety attacks are:

  • The main thing you must do to overcome these anxiety attacks is to recognize that you need help;
  • Share with close friends about your problem with anxiety so that they can understand you and, who knows, even help you in times of crisis;
  • Participate in psychotherapy and self-knowledge sessions;
  • Practice physical activities that are capable of controlling anxiety. The most common are: Yoga, swimming, aqua aerobics, pilates, running and walking;

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  • Make use of medication prescribed by a specialist doctor. It can be an anxiolytic or antidepressant medication, or who knows, even both depending on the situation verified by the doctor;
  • Make use of a balanced diet that contains soothing substances and that awaken well-being,
    Take warm baths when very anxious in order to be able to relax;
  • Seeking social interaction,
  • Do not maximize your fear, having the courage to face it.

Is there any type of food that can help in improving anxiety?

Yes. There are foods that can help to improve anxiety by containing substances that inhibit the production of cortisol (hormone released in response to stress) and some because they are a source of tryptophan and serotonin (responsible for the feeling of well-being).

The main foods that can help you in an anxiety phase are:

  • Orange;
    • Acerola;
    • Lemon;

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  • Kiwi;
    • Strawberry;
    • Milk;
  • Eggs;
    • Chocolate;
    • Pineapple;

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  • Lean meats;
    • Breads;
    • Oats;
  • Bean;
    • Pastas;
    • Potato;
    • Honey;

The recommended amount is to consume about 6 servings of these alternating foods daily.

Final considerations:

It is worth emphasizing that we must not wait for the worst to happen so that we can seek medical help.

If you have noticed that you are very agitated, with fast thoughts, very worried and afraid that something may go wrong, do not wait for a crisis, seek as soon as possible support from your friends and family and, mainly, from a multiprofessional network that may assist you in redirecting your way of looking at life without taking you to the extreme anxious frame.

Before worrying about taking care of our daily multitasking, we need to remember to take care of our physical and mental health first. After all, only with a healthy body and mind can we have quality of life and courage to face the challenges that it poses to us day after day.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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