Analysis of Cobra Kai The Karate Kid Saga Continues.

Cobra Kai: The Karate Kid Saga Continues is a correct and fun beat’em up whose strongest points lie in the improvement of the characters, obtaining new abilities and the repetition of zones to find all the unlockables, obtain coins and perform better combos and more elaborate. We analyze it.

The second season of Cobra Kai has left us all with our hearts in a fist. This video game does not start after that end, but at an indeterminate moment before that end. All the characters in the series appear and we can handle them. Each of them has its own set of movements and we will even fight with them as a group, alternating control of one or the other when it interests us most, managing their life bars and improving them as we progress in the adventure. This is the best thing about Cobra Kai: The Karate Kid Saga Continues; and it is strange considering that we are talking about a game that is about walking around the city kicking ass. But it is like this. All the heroes that we unlock during the adventure become playable and have their own skill tree, we have to decide what abilities we unlock and what improvements we want to equip them.


At the beginning of the adventure we have to decide if we play as members of the Cobra Kai or Miyagi Do dojo and, while we split skulls, we can activate those special attacks with which we have gifted them, selecting them from among several. In order to obtain them we have to kill enemies and get the coins that they drop, repeat scenarios using new combos now, improve our scores and do it once more. That is, there is a large role-playing component in the game that pushes us to play the same section several times . The title does not have an online cooperative, but it does have a local one, so that mythical “let’s play another little game” between colleagues or brothers is rewarded and very well encouraged.


Lots of beat’em up action in this Cobra Kai The Karate Kid Saga Continues video gameplay


I wanted to start here because it is the most solid part of the game, the best and where it stands out. Cobra Kai: The Karate Kid Saga Continues becomes strong in its menus, in the decisions we have to make in improving our characters, and in how well it manages to motivate you to strengthen them a little more. Unfortunately, the rest of the game is considerably weaker. It is neither bad nor a disaster, but its problems prevent it from standing out in a genre so full of masterpieces since the 1990s. Cobra Kai: The Karate Kid Saga Continues lacks rhythm , it lacks that the blows flow, that the navigation through the stage works, that the attacks connect well and that it gives pleasure to crush our adversaries. Animations are very stiff, hit detection does not work well and the title forces us to play slowly, look for collectibles, pay attention to when a new enemy appears and follow a very lazy story.

The game gets better when you start to unlock abilities for your characters

This is a beat’em up, nobody cares what the game wants to tell, but the problem is that the game does want to tell us something, and it does it without grace. An American comic style with static vignettes is used, but is poorly drawn . The art lacks elegance, the portrayal of the characters is abrupt and crude, and their personalities are not well represented. I insist, I don’t give a damn if this type of game tells me something, but if you don’t have anything good to tell, don’t try it. This lack of rhythm ends up looking intentional. The idea is that we start playing with clumsy characters and that they get better as we play. That sense of progressionit works and is understood; but since the base is so rough, the graphic style so poor, the scenery design and the attacks so robotic, it doesn’t feel like replaying the title. For example, Streets of Rage 4 doesn’t let you improve your characters, it has no progression other than allowing you to unlock new fighters and ask you to improve your scores; But I must have replayed it about twenty times. Because the reason for wanting to enjoy these titles again has to be in the mechanics, and here it is in the numbers. The idea does not quite work.


A fun beat’em up with ideas

The combat system is crude, but the powers of fire and ice are appreciated

There is a large role-playing component in the game that pushes us to play the same section several timesAs I mentioned, technically the game is weak . His visual identity does not match too much with the television series. This is not a problem in itself, but nothing memorable is achieved with its last generation cellshading other than picking up the color and light of Los Angeles. The worst part is the animations of the video game. Cobra Kai: The Karate Kid Saga Continues invents powers and magic. Members of Cobra Kai can manipulate fire. Members of the Miyagi Do control the ice. That gives rise to the execution of special attacks that are carried out without the slightest grace, it is like watching robots move. Also, until you unlock more advanced combos, enemies behave like hitting sponges.

Cobra Kai deserved an artistic look more in line with the series

But even if it seems that I am saying that the game is worthless, it is not so. Cobra Kai: The Karate Kid Saga Continues is entertaining; yes, its animations are robotic and lacking in pace, but as you progress and gain more skills, your attacks get better, you cheer up, and you end up enjoying the game. The title becomes very durable thanks to this, also because to unlock the true ending you have to play the campaign as a member of one dojo and then the other, so you will easily end up spending ten hours or more. That is, this title does not add anything to the genre nor is it remarkable, it takes advantage of the license in its own way, but it is one of those that solves you a couple of afternoons with a colleague as soon as you get hooked. If you still do not know the series, in one of our lastSuperShow we talk about Cobra Kai on Netflix , recommending this production that little by little has been gaining a whole legion of fans.



Cobra Kai: The Karate Kid Saga Continues

Cobra Kai: The Karate Kid Saga Continues is the typical video game that, despite its limitations, is entertaining. He knows how to compensate for ineffective gameplay with an optimal way to improve his characters and make them grow. Not that it is very faithful to the original series, but the pique between the dojos is well represented. He is also able to make it clear that there are neither good nor bad here, only two old glories who extend their rivalry to his disciples. Looking forward to the third season, wow.

  • The growth and progression of your characters
  • Being able to play with both Cobra Kai and Miyagi Do
  • Knows how to be long and entertaining thanks to the acquisition of new skills
  • Graphics and music are terrible
  • The combat system is crude and clumsy


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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