
Ametophobia It is the feeling of fear or fear of dust or dirt. It is defined as the persistent, abnormal and unwarranted emotion of fear of dust or dirt.


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  • 1 Etymology
  • 2 Definition
  • 3 Symptoms
  • 4 Sources


From ancient Greek ἄμαθος (ámathos) (“dust” or “fine sand”) and -phobia. It is defined as the persistent, abnormal and unwarranted emotion of fear of dust or dirt.


Amathofobia like so many other phobias, is a fear that appears in certain situations that we face in this case of dust or dirt. This fear or fear begins to be detrimental to our life when it limits us to do what we want. How to overcome amathofobia? To overcome Amathofobia, a treatment or therapeutic accompaniment is necessary, for this there are psychological therapies, NLP techniques and Ontological Coaching.


  • Panic is an intense fear or terror. As a symptom, it usually refers to an unreasonable fear, often accompanied by a belief in something.
  • Difficulty breathing of any kind (or any kind of “shortness of breath”) is a life-threatening emergency. May indicate various causes
  • Chills, tremors refer to shaking of the skin usually related to cold, or the perception of cold. A high fever can also cause them.
  • Anxiety is the experience of worrying, fear, or feeling uneasy.
  • Fast heart beat


by Abdullah Sam
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