
The aerostats were the ones that developed first, since their principle of support made them much more affordable at the scientific and technological level of the time, the [[19th century]]. Aircraft . It is any device with the ability to take off, land and navigate the low and middle areas of the atmosphere , being able to transport people, animals or things, being able to support itself in the air.


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  • 1 lift
  • 2 Aerostats
  • 3 Aerodinos
  • 4 aircraft
  • 5 Types of aircraft
  • 6 Sources


This lift appears in the aircraft produced by two physical phenomena of a very different nature :

  • Aerostatic thrust: is the thrust that acts on the aircraft according to the Archimedes Principle , and gives rise to aerostats or aircraft lighter than air .
  • An aerodynamic effect that causes lift forces on airplanes heavier than air , called aerodines .


The aerostats were the ones that developed first, since their principle of support made them much more affordable at the scientific and technological level of the time, the [[19th century]]. They rise according to the Archimedes principle and are characterized by containing a fluid of lower density than air . In this group are airships and balloons .


Aerodines or aircraft heavier than air are the ones that have caused the development of air vehicles. The aerodyne generates aerodynamic forces that support them, which it achieves through supporting surfaces such as fixed wings or rotating wings, being able to adopt an infinite number of intermediate configurations. They are divided into fixed-wing aircraft and rotating-wing aircraft.

Examples of aerodines:

  • Autogiro
  • Glider
  • Plane
  • Helicopter


In a first division according to its design we have the light airplanes, the aerostat , the heavy airplanes and the aerodyne .

Examples of light aircraft include non-orientable balloons, such as hot air balloons and gas balloons, and airships called airships such as flexible and rigid airships that have an internal frame. The closest type of rigid airship was the Zeppelin .

In airplanes heavy there are two ways to produce lift: aerodynamic lift and engine lift. In the case of aerodynamic lift, the aircraft is held in the air by the wings or by the rotors . With the engine lift, the plane defeats gravity by means of vertical thrust.

Among aircraft aerodynamic raised, most fall into the category of airplane of fixed wing where horizontal supporting surfaces produce lift diverting air down to create an upward force equal according to the third law of motion Newton.

The precursor of this type of aircraft is the kite. Kites depend on the tension between the rope that anchors them to the ground and the force of the wind currents . The aerodynamic study conducted with kites ended up in test planes, wind tunnels and computers with programs that model the action of wind on aircraft and are currently available.

Types of aircraft

  • Aerostat
    • Balloon
    • Dirigible
  • Aerodyne
    • Fixed-wing aircraft
      • Plane
      • Glider
    • Rotating wing aircraft
      • Helicopter
      • Autogiro
      • Convertible
      • Girodino
      • Combined
    • Hovercraft
  • Unmanned aerial vehicle


by Abdullah Sam
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