Advantages of using an ISO to update Windows 10

Every 6 months, Microsoft usually releases a new version of its operating system . Some of them usually bring big changes and novelties, while others focus only on correcting errors and debugging the general operation of the system. All of these updates are free, and usually come through Windows Update, but sometimes (more often than we might expect) we run into problems that keep us from getting our PC up to date. And that forces us to look for other ways to update the PC .

In addition to Windows Update , Microsoft allows us to update the operating system to the latest version from its own media creation tool. This can be downloaded from its website and it will download the latest version of Windows and install it on the PC, avoiding possible problems that may appear in Windows Update.

But there is also another way to update the computer that can be very useful: using the ISO image. Normally we only download the Windows 10 ISO when we are going to install the operating system from scratch. However, this image can also be useful to us to put the PC to the latest version.

Advantages of updating Windows using an ISO image

Updating Windows involves downloading the update package from Windows Update. And if we have a bad internet connection, this can sometimes be a nightmare. If we have an ISO image in our possession we will be able to use it to update the operating system without having to download anything. The same image can be used to install the new version on several computers at the same time without having to download the updates by hand on each of them.

All we have to do to carry out this process is to mount the ISO in Windows 10 (by double clicking on it) and run ” setup.exe “. The wizard itself will connect to the Internet (if we have a connection) to download patches and drivers before starting the update.

In addition, if we want, we can burn said ISO on a USB memory that will help us to update other computers and, also, to carry out a clean installation of Windows in the future. If we have the ISO, we can also use it to install Windows in a virtual machine.

Disadvantages of this method

Updating the PC from an ISO can be useful in situations where, for example, we do not have the Internet. But it is not always a valid and functional method. The first thing to keep in mind is that this wizard performs a complete update of the equipment, and that usually takes time. There are versions of Windows that are downloaded as one more patch and install in seconds. And in those cases, then, we will be wasting time.

Also, you also have to lower the ISO to be able to use it . If we have another computer with a good Internet we can do it from it, but if we only have our main PC, then it is better to take advantage of and directly download the Windows Update instead of taking so much detour. Saving the ISO on the PC , or recording it on a skewer, implies dedicating a space to it that, in 6 months, will be obsolete.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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