
Acerphobia or Acerbophobia . It is defined as a persistent, abnormal and unwarranted fear of acids or acidic things.


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  • 1 Acerphobia
  • 2 Symptoms
  • 3 Treatment
  • 4 Sources


Steelphobia is the feeling of fear or fear in the presence of acidic products, things that cause heartburn , or acids themselves.

This fear or fear begins to be detrimental to our life when it limits us to do what we want.

Although it is one of the rare phobias, the person who suffers from steelphobia manifests a series of fears at the idea of ​​being in an acid environment, or being exposed to the acid of a person or fruit , this due to the fear of burns or other physical damage.


The symptoms to which the person suffering from stenophobia presents include:

  • irregular beats of the heart
  • excessive sweating
  • nausea and vomiting
  • rapid breathing or shortness of breath
  • widespread feeling of dread
  • concern

As you can see, the symptoms are similar to an anxiety and / or panic attack .


As with other types of phobias, treatment can take time , however the different methods have proven to be reliable through the results. Traditional methods offered by mental health specialists include psychological therapy sessions , in which the patient is gradually exposed to the elements that cause fear, which is known as Exposure Therapy ; the goalThe end of this therapy is to achieve insensitivity of the person to the element that causes the fear reaction. Some self-help methods are also known to be effective in coping with steelphobia.


by Abdullah Sam
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