Differences between music producer and sound engineer

Did you know that a producer does not do the same as a sound engineer ? A boat soon, the first difference is that the first has a much more creative role in the project. For his part, the engineer ensures that everything sounds good but for example does not suggest sounds or give advice to musicians. In other words, the producer assumes the creative and emotional aspect of the project. Decide which songs to record, what are the best takes, and what sounds are used for a particular instrument. He helps coordinate the entire project and makes sure everything is ready before entering the studio.

Producers are usually experienced musicians and many begin their careers as audio engineers. In this way, they learn the technical side of the job. Some producers prefer to work with an audio engineer so they can focus on the creative side. Others instead act as producer and engineer at the same time.

For all the above, it is key that the relationship between these two professionals is solid and benefits the musical project as a whole. We insist that the music producer is in charge of defining the general concept and that the sound engineer translates this concept into sound material, drawing on a wide range of technical resources in the recording studio. It is essential that both complement each other in their roles and share the same artistic sensibility.

Also remember that the technical team, usually chosen by the producer, is made up of recording, mixing and mastering engineers . In short, the producer is the one who guides, shapes and has a preconceived concept of the final product. He is the one who, together with the band or artist, works to achieve the best possible sound, making arrangements and structuring the musical theme.


by Abdullah Sam
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