Bald skin, an area prone to burns

Exposure to the sun can cause severe burns to the skin, so it is recommended, especially in summer, to protect it from radiation. However, there are areas of the body that are not given the necessary attention, despite not having been exposed to the sun’s rays for a long time. This is the case of bald skin, either caused by genetic inheritance, hormonal factors or age, and which, despite being an area highly exposed to the sun and with a greater predisposition to burns than other parts of the body , you do not receive adequate protection.

Caring for the skin of the scalp is of great importance because, as Javier Pedraz , dermatologist at the Hospital Universitario Quirónsalud Madrid explains , “in summer it is very exposed to the sun.” For your protection we can use physical measures, such as caps, hats or anything that covers it directly from the sun and that is sufficiently opaque. According to the expert, “these measures are the most appropriate to avoid burns in the area.” Likewise and as in the rest of the body, it is also recommended to apply sunscreen with protection in the area. Pedraz points out that “there is no specific cream, but the same ones that are used for other parts of the body are used”, although he stresses that “the best way to avoid sunburn is to avoid radiation or carry out progressive exposure” .

Consequences of burns

If these measures are avoided, it is likely that serious burns will emerge in the area. In this situation, it would be necessary to go to the emergency room at the moment. The expert points out that “in these circumstances, the best thing to do is apply cold water or sprays to the area to try to reduce the inflammation “, just as if it happens in another part of the body. If the burn is more serious, corticosteroids must be taken orally or in cream. But, the most serious sequelae are those that can derive in the long term. Sunburn or sun exposure increase the chance of skin blemishes or so-called actinic keratoses or rough surface lesions. Pedraz explains that “if there is no care of the area it can cause bad skin lesions”, that is, skin cancers, such as basal cell or squamous cell epitheliomas or even melanomas .


by Abdullah Sam
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