8 Types of Meeting

The meeting is a form of meeting between members in the organization itself to negotiate or resolve a problem related to shared interests.

Types and terms of meeting

Meetings held as a form of group communication can be divided into three types, namely explanatory meetings, problem solving meetings and negotiation meetings. The following statement:

1. Explanatory Meeting ( teaching conference )

An explanation meeting is a meeting conducted with the aim of providing an explanation to the meeting participants. For example, explaining the company’s new product launching activities . In this type of meeting, the dominant leader is the meeting leader.

2. Meeting Problem Solving ( problem solving conference )

Problem solving meetings are meetings that are held with the aim of finding a solution to a problem or to finding the truth. In this meeting, the meeting participants are expected to be able to express their opinions.

3. Meeting of Negotiations ( negotiation conference )

Negotiations meeting is a type of meeting held because there are two or more people or organizations that have a common interest, so that if no negotiations are held, it can cause disputes or indeed have disputes that need to be settled amicably.

Terms of Meeting Conditions

In carrying out the meeting, of course the event is expected to take place properly. In order for a meeting to produce a good conclusion, it is necessary to understand the terms of the rapta requirements or the criteria for a good meeting in its implementation. A meeting can be said to be good, if:

  1. Open atmosphere. That is, each meeting participant is ready to receive information from whoever comes or each meeting participant pays attention to the discussion of other participants.
  2. Each meeting participant fully participates. That is, each meeting participant can be actively involved in the course of the meeting. That must be a good listener as well as a good speaker if needed.
  3. There is always guidance and supervision. A good meeting must be directed, because of the guidance and supervision of the chairman.
  4. The debate is based on counter argumentation argumentation, not emotion counter emotion. In meetings, what is sought is the truth, not disputes or mutual falling between meeting participants. So, a good meeting is when arguing, and not emotion.
  5. Short, clear questions. That is, the questions raised in the meeting are towards the target and not long-winded.
  6. Avoiding monopolistic clicks. A good meeting is a democratic one. That is, in the meeting there is no oppressive oppression or the desire to master themselves. Every meeting participant has the same rights, namely in terms of speaking, the right to take part and others.
  7. There is always a conclusion. A good meeting must end with a conclusion or joint decision. A meeting that is not good, is if the meeting is conducted in a long-winded manner and without any decision.

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Meeting Chair Type

A good meeting leader should know the type of meeting leader who is good too. Thus, he can run a meeting well and produce good conclusions or decisions. Basically, there are three types of meeting leaders. The type of chair of the meeting, namely:

1. authoritarian type

In communication conducted by an authoritarian type meeting leader, the communication that is established is one-way communication ( one way traffic ). This is because the type of leader in chairing a meeting tends to win on his own, and uses more force and force.

2. laissezfair type

Communication by this type of leader leads to substandard traffic. Because, the chair of the meeting does not control the course of the meeting. The meeting that was held was left so it was protracted. Each participant has their own opinion so that the meeting does not end with a conclusion or decision as expected by all meeting participants.

3. democratic type

In meetings that are chaired by this type, the chairperson provides many opportunities for members of the meeting to provide opinions and suggestions. Therefore, the communication traffic that occurs can be two way ( two way traffic ).

Of the three types of meeting leaders listed above, there are two types that can be used, namely the authoritarian type and the democratic type. The authoritarian type needs to be used when the meeting starts getting chaotic. But, when the atmosphere of the meeting is smooth and orderly, the chair of the meeting should be democratic.

That is, a good meeting leader should have a combination of authoritarian and democratic attitudes. He must know exactly when to be authoritarian and when to be democratic. As such, he can appear authoritative in running meetings, but does not diminish the politeness of members of the meeting.

Types of Meeting Participants

Besides having a separate type of meeting leader, meeting participants also have their own character. Therefore, it is also important to understand the types of meeting participants. Types of meeting participants, as follows:

a. unifying type

He was a participant in the meeting who was happy to work on the gathering, when there were clashes that led to divisions. The meeting will be better and luckier if there are participants of this type. This unifying type is usually an elder and has good experience.

b. intermediate type

This type of intermediary is almost the same as the unifying type. However, the focus of the activity is on efforts to clarify the opinions of other participants who are less clear. This type is very capable in capturing the meanings described by the participants.

c. type of listener

The type of participants in this meeting can be said to be of little use in meetings. Because, he does not have the contribution of thoughts and opinions. The types of participants in this meeting tend to be less active. He was just happy to be a listener.

d. encouragement type

When a meeting has been running for a long time, but there hasn’t been any results yet, then there is usually a tendency for the meeting to become tedious and sluggish. In a meeting environment like this, the type of host will appear to provide encouragement in completing the task being pursued.

e. type of initiative

This type of initiative will emerge when there is a traffic jam due to poorly understood directives or poorly understood issues. In this case, the type of initiative will appear to be the initiator where the discussion must begin.

f. type of information provider

This type of information provider is often called the “encyclopedias” or “dictionaries” because they are rich in knowledge or information-information so they can contribute data that is very useful to solve the problems that exist in the meeting.

g. attacker type

The type of attacker will feel very happy when they have to attack or debate other meeting participants, or even meeting leaders. In meetings, attacking friends is allowed. But, only when it’s needed and also without emotion. Do not continue to attack the other party’s arguments, regardless of whether the description given is correct or wrong.

The types of meeting participants that are ideal and need to be developed, are unifying types, intermediary types, encouraging types, initiative types and informer types. While the type of attacker and listener should not be developed. Most important, the meeting can run smoothly, produce good decisions, and active participants in following the meeting.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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