8 remedies to end swollen legs during menstruation

The hormones are responsible for our change completely. Constipation, swollen legs, pimples and a series of problems that come with the rule. Headache, insomnia or huge legs are just a warning of what is coming. The good news is that we can avoid these inconveniences with the help of simple natural remedies. We will return to nature to achieve an optimal result, less swollen legs and a lightness that will allow us to maintain our usual rhythm.

These are the best natural remedies to end swollen legs during menstruation

Cranberry is a superfood that will help us to end swollen legs. Eating this fruit for breakfast or having it for dessert with a yogurt will help us take care of ourselves inside and end swollen legs. Food has a lot to do with the effects of menstruation and hormones, taking care of it is essential, it is a good natural remedy.

Fennel was a natural remedy that our grandmothers and mothers used. Fennel infusions are a good alternative to enjoy perfect legs and end these discomfort of the period. An infusion in the afternoon, with all the good properties of this food that makes soups of scandal, is a good option.

The red vine is one of the best allies to end swollen legs during menstruation. We can take it in capsules or infusions, in both cases we will achieve the expected result. We can mix it with a green tea that enhances the antioxidant qualities, it is a good option for the afternoons or mornings.

Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties . In our country there is no tradition of incorporating this species into stews, although we can start doing it from now on. We will discover its good properties in every way. We can take it with lemon infusions the days before the rule. There are also ginger capsules to get to take this ingredient effortlessly.

The horse chestnut infused with water and applied directly to the legs can help us in case of very high inflammation. It is a way to make the legs lose volume by eliminating the discomfort they cause. This infusion applied directly to the part of the body that is swollen calms and reduces inflammation. It is a good option in case we have to work standing up or sit for a long time. We will notice the effects of this element quickly.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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