7 reasons why you should learn Python

In order to perform multiple tasks, the computer must understand us. Or at least understand what to do for us. This is where the programming language comes into play.

We humans have different languages ​​for different countries and regions. Computers have different languages ​​for different tasks.

In the following text we talk about Python. This programming language was developed in 1991 by Guido Van Rossum.

If you want to learn to code, Python is a great choice to start with. Once started, you will quickly find that it is user-friendly and easy to learn . There are also tons of applications and it’s open source , which means it’s free to use.

In addition, Python offers a variety of programming paradigms, as well as object-oriented and functional programming.

Apart from that, Python is described as an easy to interpret and dynamic programming language, with a focus on easy readability of the code.

With that background knowledge, here are 7 reasons why you should learn Python!

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1. Data Science & Machine Learning

Data is the basis of programming, no matter what area you want to work in – you will come into contact with it.

Python is one of the most widely used programming languages ​​for data science & machine learning. With machine learning growing, you should definitely give it a try.

2. Main Applications

Data science – including machine learning, data analysis and visualization – web development and scripting are the three main uses of Python.

If that’s not enough for you – software companies have developed numerous other applications such as B. Application packages (frameworks) for web applications, game and language development, prototype development and graphic design.

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3. Extensive libraries & frameworks

Python provides extensive libraries of prepackaged operations and strings, web service applications, operating system interfaces, and protocols. The Python Package Index has more than 85,000 modules and scripts that you can use.

4. Open source

Python has been cross-platform and free for over 20 years. You can work with Linux, Windows and Max OS.

5. Linking with other programming languages

Python can work with other programming languages ​​across the board. Here are the most important examples: CPython, to work with the C programming language; Jython to integrate Python with Java; IronPython is for compatibility with .NET and C #; PyObjc is Python written with the ObjectiveC toolkit and RubyPython is the version combined with Ruby.

6. Improving productivity

Less is more – with Python you can create a lot of functions with little code. A simple game can be set up within 2 days. The extensive support libraries and the simple object-oriented design increase the productivity of the programmer by a factor of 2 to 10!

Python also offers powerful functions for process integration, for testing individual software and, through extended control functions, contributes to a higher speed of the applications.

7. Jobs & Careers

Your programming career can grow every day with Python. Python is on the way to becoming the most important programming language, so it just makes sense to work with it. Also, developers who work with data science, machine learning, and web development are among the highest-paid professions.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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