7 powerful ways to motivate yourself

In business, there is often talk about the importance of motivating others such as our employees, our team, our suppliers and our customers. That is, everyone else, then with the exception of ourselves.

This is a mistake we often make, as it is just as important or perhaps even more important to motivate yourself so that you can motivate others. So what are the tricks to motivate yourself? Fortunately, science has the answer to this question. Here are 7 simple and effective ways according to science on how to motivate yourself.

  1. Have a concrete goal. According to research conducted by Edwin Locke and his team, the participants in the project gave specific goals instead of telling them “just do your best.” This helped increase motivation. This is also true when it comes to ourselves. have a specific goal, we will work harder and smarter to achieve it.
  2. Find your passion. We all know that we become much more motivated when we do something we actually want to do, instead of something that bores us or does not interest us at all.
  3. Look at the upside. Optimism is an enormously powerful force. According to brain researcher Tali Sharot, who wrote the book The Optimism Bias, “an optimistic mindset changes what you do every day – and which in turn changes the future” When you choose to look at the upside of the things you do instead of the downside, you will be more motivated to perform the tasks that lead you to the goal.
  4. Researchers have long known that when we have too many priorities, we really have no priorities at all. It is much better to focus on achieving only one or two goals at a time – at least no more than three goals. Not only will this motivate you to achieve your most important goals, but it will also increase the likelihood that you will succeed in achieving your most important goals.
  5. Bring like-minded people into your circle. Researchers have found that the people you have in your work and social circles can greatly influence your behavior. When you hang out with people who are motivated, you will most likely become more motivated yourself.
  6. Do not give up. It’s easy to feel or be demotivated when we do not succeed on our first attempt. Understand and be aware that it can take many attempts before you succeed in a given task. If you fail, pull yourself together and try again.
  7. Reward yourself. As motivational expert Bob Nelson points out, “You get what you reward yourself with.” When you take the time to pat yourself on the back for being motivated, you will naturally be even more motivated.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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