6 things you learn when you are single

I recently realized that I can’t stand the presence of women who are romantically linked to me. Let’s be clear, I’m fine with their sexual organs, but as far as the rest of their person is concerned, I just wish they were somewhere else.

This is one of the precipitates of single life, but it’s not the only one. Let’s see what things you learn when you don’t have a person of the opposite sexbetween the feet to keep you company.

It  ‘s  true  that  the  singles  are  generally  better , but  have  less  time  worst

Obviously a single is worse off than a boyfriend. That is, the single is like a fisherman who has to get up at 3 in the morning every day, take the boat and go fishing – with the risk of returning with nets and an empty stomach. The boyfriend, on the other hand, is like someone who lives above the fish market: fish always has it, even if it may not be very fresh. However, it is enough to confront some boyfriend friends to understand that okay, nice to be together, but when it ends – or when you are in permanent crisis, which is the same thing – you are worse off than the inhabitants of Hiroshima after the bomb.

#2. You are motivated to keep fit

Precisely because the struggle for mating is particularly intended when you are single, keeping fit becomes a sine qua non for not succumbing. And I’m not just talking about the physical aspect, but also the cerebral one. Everyone fucks as best they can – in the sense that there are those who focus more on beauty and those on learned conversation. In any case, it is absolutely forbidden to reduce oneself to an idiot larva. Which, according to a recent study by the University of Partizan Belgrade, is not so obvious for engaged people.

# 3. Learn the comforts of singletudine

“Your heart has hardened,” say those who use the hashtag #emotions in Instagram photos of sunsets. Fuck, I just started sleeping like a star on the big bed. When you understand that single life has multiple comforts, not least the absence of a person who insults you for how you squeeze the toothpaste tube, you understand that there are things that can be had with a little commitment (sexual intercourse) and others that you just have to choose (inner peace).

# 4. You risk becoming an animal

Especially we humans have rather arbitrary concepts of hygiene and style. This is how many singles end up piercing their nasal passages in public, looking for priceless treasures inside their nostrils. Or show up at a wedding with a rotten salmon tie paired with a blue and beige tie. In short, that of the single is a difficult life, always in the balance between reducing one’s home to a nineteenth-century latrine and believing that that is not crap, but only his style.

# 5. You must have friends, or interests

I have no idea what a friendless single can do in his spare time, other than looking for a girlfriend and friends, of course. Free time is a good thing but, if you are stupid (and therefore without interest) or with the social life of a cactus, it can become a problem. You have to know how to balance your passions – that the more time you spend as a single, the stranger they become (e.g. the illegitimate children of the Habsburgs, repairing bicycles, Balinese TV series) – and your social relationships which, whether we like it or not, are there. is the only thing that prevents us from becoming sociopaths. If you have no interests or passions, go for Tinder.

# 6. You have more time for yourself

“My life without you is not so different, I do everything a little slow and I have time for myself” say the TARMs and it’s true, when you don’t have to remember anniversaries, listen to stories that don’t interest you and fight over crap about time you have a little more. Then it’s up to you to decide if you want to use it to do something cool or to get depressed because your prices on the engagement market are lower than those of the Popolare di Vicenza.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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