Dental implants are the solution to replace missing teeth without touching other teeth. These are titanium screws, which are placed in the maxillary bone with minor surgical intervention, and which replace the root of the missing tooth. The prosthesis is placed over the implant, usually a custom-made piece, which has the appearance and function of a natural tooth. The most common is to place the implant first and after 2 or 3 months to place the prosthesis. However, in some cases, the implant and tooth can be placed the same day of surgery. In this video, Dr. Olga Rabassa, head of Dentistry at the Atlántida Dental Clinic, explains it to us.

  1. Why are dental implants necessary?

When we lose a tooth, the position of the neighboring teeth is altered. This fact favors the appearance of periodontal diseases, caries and problems of the jaw joint. In addition to functional problems, the loss of teeth also creates aesthetic problems.

  1. How are they placed?

Before placing an implant, a detailed evaluation of the mouth must be made with x-rays, study models of the mouth and bite, and in some cases, 3D scanners. Thanks to this planning we will be able to place dental implants correctly.

To place them, a small surgical intervention will be performed to pierce the bone and place the implant. Once placed, it will take between 2 months and 3 months (2 and a half months for the lower jaw and 3 for the upper jaw) for the implants to fuse with the bone and the definitive prostheses can be placed.

  1. Does implant placement hurt?

The placement of an implant does not cause pain beyond the small discomfort that all surgical intervention causes. However, these are perfectly tolerable discomforts that can be eliminated or prevented with proper medical treatment.

  1. Can I suffer an allergy or rejection of the implant?

It is very rare for implants to cause allergies since they are made of titanium, a biocompatible material. Regarding rejection, 95% of implants are accepted by the body without any problem.

  1. How should I take care of dental implants?

It is essential to establish a plan of periodic reviews to verify the bone levels around the implant, the adjustments of the different components of the prosthesis and the occlusion or the way the teeth fit. The specialist will determine the necessary care in each case. In general, it is recommended that the following hygiene guidelines be followed:

– Brush your teeth 3 times a day.

– Use the interproximal brush once a day.

– Use mouthwashes 1 time a day.

– Do not smoke during the two weeks before surgery and the 8 weeks after the operation.


by Abdullah Sam
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