6 main causes of ocean pollution

These are the six main causes of ocean pollution:

As you know, much of the waste we produce on a daily basis ends up being dumped into our seas and oceans. Sea water occupies more than 70% of the Earth. Due to the greatness of our oceans, man has believed for years that he could use this medium as a landfill without it having negative consequences. For approximately three centuries ago, marine pollution has grown alarmingly, especially with the appearance of industrialization, so as that one said “we have messed it up brown” and this time it is not funny. The main causes of ocean pollution are:

1- wastewater and rainwater

On the one hand, wastewater is that generated by household, industrial and commercial waste that is dumped into the sea through sewers.

On the other, we have stormwater that can reach the sea directly by land, rivers and canals, or can be filtered through drains connected to the public sewer network. These waters carry large amounts of toxic substances, such as fertilizers and other chemicals that end up in our oceans.

2- Toxic chemicals from industries

Industry is possibly the most important cause of ocean pollution, due to the large amounts of hydrocarbons and other toxic substances that are released. This type of waste directly affects marine life, causing the rise in sea temperature known as thermal pollution.

3- Pollution by plastics

One of the main causes of pollution in our seas is plastics. These and other debris such as cans or containers end up decomposing releasing toxic substances into the sea for long periods. In addition, many marine animals die from ingesting or becoming trapped in them.

4- Climate change

Global warming is also a major cause of pollution. It does not directly release any toxic substance, but when the sea water rises in temperature its components, in this case the oxygen decreases markedly. The high levels of carbon dioxide that float in the air are absorbed by the ocean, thus causing its acidification.

5- Large scale oil spill

This type of spillage is usually caused by accidents in the transport of this fuel. Crude fuel can last for many years at sea and is extremely toxic to our marine ecosystem. Furthermore, it is practically impossible to eliminate it completely once it is diluted.

6- Ocean mining

Ocean mining is another source of pollution. Mining sites that drill silver, gold, copper, cobalt and zinc create sulfide deposits up to three and a half meters deep in the ocean. This causes damage to the seabed.


The opinion that we have as a group is that dumping waste into the sea and oceans is something that does not benefit the planet. We believe that this situation can be reversed, so that each individual can carry his or her grain of sand and become aware that this practice harms us all without being adequate.

For example, contaminated fish enter the food chain and are part of our food. In this way, chemical contamination passes directly to our body and to that of animals.

Governments should take drastic action on this problem before it becomes irreversible. We think that controlled rubbish cemeteries could be created just as there are clean points.

Perhaps humanity believes that the sea, being so vast, can be exploited as a landfill without taking into account its flora and fauna to unsuspected limits.


– Why do governments not intervene?

– To what extent are we destroying the life of the seas?

– What solutions can we adopt?

– How does pollution affect us all?

– Have some benefited from these bad practices?


In the Mediterranean Sea there are some sixty-two million fragments in its waters. This represents a threat to marine ecosystems and to humans. Every year between 6.4 and 8 million new tons of garbage enter the ocean.

Of all the new trash that enters the sea every year, 80% comes from land. Large islands of floating debris have been recorded in the open sea and on the ocean floor.

The first global environmental problem is climate change, however, the problem of pollution becomes one of the greatest global threats of this century to the oceans.


by Abdullah Sam
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