50 Examples of Adjectives with N

The adjectives are words that are used to modify the noun and, therefore, agree with it in gender and number . For example: n ational n ormal, n ovedoso .

Most adjectives ending in A are female ( species n octámbula, land n Atal ) and ending in O are male ( bad n ecesario effect n efasto ). There are also adjectives used similarly to describe a masculine or feminine noun ( Color n atural light n atural ). In addition, all vary in number, that is, may be singular or plural ( n ervioso / n erviosos ).

  • See also:  feminine and masculine adjectives

Adjectives that start with the letter N

n cramped n ebulous n oble
n acient n ecesaria n ocive
n ational n ecio n october
n aíf n efasto n ominal
n orange n egativo n ordic
n arcissistic n egligent n ormal
n arcotic n egociable normative n
n arigón n egro n otable
n round n eyorquina n ovedosa
n atal n ervioso n oveno
n active n euronal n ublado
n atural n eutral n uclear
n absent n evaded n udist
n endorsement n igerian n ew
n avegante n ihilist n ulo
n avid n inguna n umérico
n azi n itted n utritivo
  • See also:  Words with NV

Sentences with adjectives with N

  1. Bats are nocturnal animals .
  2. Gustavo bought new shoes for the party.
  3. Vegetables should be part of your diet because they are very nutritious .
  4. The national telecommunications company provides poor service.
  5. Smoking is a bad habit for your health.
  6. As they approached the garbage dump, a foul smell began to arrive .
  7. Marcela loves going to nude beaches .
  8. The magnate donated part of his fortune to a noble cause .
  9. The MoMA is a New York museum .
  10. The last clause of the contract is non- negotiable , sorry.
  11. I don’t like narcissistic people .
  12. The Nigerian team thrashed the local 4-0.
  13. The judge tried to maintain a neutral position , but ended up favoring one of the parties.
  14. Leaving the child alone at home turned out to be a negligent attitude on the part of the father.
  15. Tomás broke a nasal bone in the fall and had to undergo surgery.
  16. I ask you please not to be a fool and listen to my arguments.
  17. The woman must have gone out for a walk because she was too nervous .
  18. Nuclear plants can be dangerous for many reasons.
  19. Marta has already started buying Christmas decorations and it is only October.
  20. With that negative attitude , you won’t get anywhere .
by Abdullah Sam
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