50 Examples of Adjectives with M

The adjectives are words that are used to modify the noun and, therefore, agree with it in gender and number . For example: m onthly, m Aduro, m alo .

Most adjectives ending in A are female ( girl m alhumorada, recipe m agnífica ) and ending in O are male ( Material m alloying, service m eteorológico ). There are also adjectives used similarly to describe a male or female noun ( calculation m ental, disease m ental ). In addition, all vary in number, that is, may be singular or plural ( m AGICO / m ágicos ).

  • See also:  feminine and masculine adjectives

Adjectives that start with the letter M

I ‘m done m ost m oderna
m achista m edian m ojado
m acizo m edieval m olesto
m agnetic m ediocre m onárquica
m agnífica m elancholic m onótono
m ajestuous m elindroso m onstruoso
m aleducada m emotional m ontañosa
m delicious m entirosa m onumental
m aloliente m ercantil m oralist
m aniático m exican m ordaz
m ansa m iedoso m otriz
m aravillosa m urisdiction m uerto
m arginal m illonaria m ultinational
m arítimo m iserable m undana
m Arron m isogynous m orld
more active m ítico m uscular
m atutina m ixto m usical
  • See also:  Words with ma-, me-, my-, mo-, mu-

Sentences with adjectives with M

  1. The Andes mountain range is one of the largest mountain ranges in the world.
  2. He opened the door slowly and was met with a grim discovery .
  3. My brother wants to adopt a medium dog .
  4. Mexican gastronomy stands out for its intense flavors.
  5. Rainy afternoons make me a bit melancholic .
  6. There are several types of magnetic fields and they can vary in intensity.
  7. Your scathing comments don’t affect me at all.
  8. The muscle strain will put the team’s star out of the game for the remainder of the season.
  9. The world economy has collapsed like never before in history.
  10. Modern life is leading the human being into an abyss.
  11. I came up with a millionaire idea .
  12. The monarchical system still exists in many countries.
  13. Santiago studied for the exam but his performance was mediocre .
  14. I ask you please bathe that smelly dog .
  15. You have to be careful not to slip because the floor is all wet .
  16. The work routine can become monotonous if one does not seek to innovate.
  17. The morning sun shone through the window.
  18. All my life I was very scared .
  19. I don’t like your moralistic tone at all.
  20. Pedro and Juana’s marriage has been memorable .


by Abdullah Sam
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