5 Simple Ways to Manage Stock in a Warehouse

Managing stock is the biggest challenge for companies with many branches. Why so? This is because it is difficult to control the items in the branch, especially if your branch is not just one. If your business is engaged in buying and selling houses or cars, this might be a little easier because the goods sold are large and usually in small quantities. But if you run a retail business that has many items with items up to thousands, then this will be very confusing.

As one of the permanent facilities, the warehouse is designed to help achieve the target level of good service with a low total cost. The warehouse also becomes a logistics system of a company that functions to store products and provide information about the status of goods. Do not miss, the warehouse also provides information on the condition of the material or products stored until the product is requested according to the production schedule.

The warehouse implements the term Warehouse Management, which means a system for managing warehousing and distribution of goods. The aim is that the goods stored remain in good condition when distributed to customers or stockholders at the right time and in the right amount.

Because warehouse is directly related to sales, warehouse management is very important for your business continuity. Where, when the stock of goods in the warehouse is not in accordance with the sale , it will have an impact on the loss, either because the sale fails or there is too much inventory available in the warehouse. Here are some simple ways to manage the stock of goods in the warehouse so that your business can run well.

Also read:  Know the Types of Goods in Inventory Management

Prepare data as accurately as possible

When preparing data, assign specific individuals who are responsible for recording. The individual must record as accurately as possible such as input stock in and out of stock which can be assisted with supporting programs so that the recording process is more accurate. The purpose of doing this is so that you know in advance the data from the previous period, then determine marketing targets and sales forecasts for the current period.

Even though some distributor or manufacturer companies sometimes use a pre-order system and incoming order data will be used as a basis for determining inventory figures. In order to develop the distributor business that comes in, you also need to have discussions and consult more deeply with the marketing team when you want to determine your stock inventory figures.

Make Inventory Forecast

After you collect the input and output data of goods, the next step that must be done is to make a forecast or estimate of inventory stock in the form of the amount of inventory needed in this period. This is not an easy step if you have sales of various types of products. This will also be difficult because in this step you must specify the amount per item.

Make a Check Before the Item Stored

The next step is to ensure that you always check the item before putting it on the shelf. This check can be done before giving the code so that you can find out whether or not the goods are recorded in a pile of goods stock. This check can also help to find out which items have defects, production errors, and other errors before deciding to save them. Especially for defective items, you can collect them into one other place and don’t forget to give a sign or a small note about the defect information.

Provide a Code on Each Item

Giving a code on each item will be very helpful when selling goods. For example, if there is a customer who buys clothes with a pink MM code, then as a seller, you will immediately understand what the customer is asking and ordering. If the items are not given a code, the transaction will be even more difficult and can reduce your company’s image in the eyes of customers. In addition, the code will also help when arranging goods in the warehouse.

Separate New Stock and Old Stock

Mixing up new and old stock will only create confusion when recording and checking inventory. When there are these two items, it’s a good idea to separate old stock and new stock to make it easier to calculate the amount of old stock sold and not yet sold. You can also provide a special place for new stocks to avoid mixing new and old stock items.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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