5 Settings That Make Outriders Better On PC

Outriders offers all kinds of possibilities to improve the feeling of the game according to your taste. On the PC, you can configure the graphics so that even the weakest cards offer smooth gameplay. Here you will find settings for better performance and smoother gameplay.

What are these settings? In Outriders you can change many options according to your taste. Here you will find settings for:

  • graphic
  • Frame rate (FPS)
  • How to play

With small adjustments in the right places, you can get a lot out of each of these areas without sacrificing much quality. It can even fix some problems.

What do adjustments bring? The goal is to improve the FPS and make the game more fluid in general. It’s all about more enjoyable scenes, more enjoyable gameplay, and better graphical rendering without loss of performance.

You can make many adjustments in Outriders. DLPrivateServer shows you five of them that improve the game on PC.

Best graphics settings for more FPS

These settings provide the best FPS: In the options menu you will find the items “Display” and “Display (enlarged)”. Make the following settings here:

  • Window mode: full screen
  • Enable FPS Limit: Off or 243
  • Limit mouse to window: disabled
  • Field of View (FOV): 80
  • Motion blur: off
  • Quality preset: user defined
  • Effects quality: medium
  • Texture quality: high
  • Shadow quality: medium
  • Anti-aliasing: disabled
  • Post-process quality: medium
  • Visibility quality: low
  • Foliage quality: low

You dispense with these options in almost no noteworthy optical detail. Visibility and shadows, for example, are rarely really noticeable in escorts, textures are much more important. So you should easily get over 100 FPS even with a GTX 2080 and comparable or older cards.

Outriders is very nice with my 2080’s settings and it still runs at over 110 FPS.

If you have a stronger card, like a new 3080, you can upload the details again. Start with the effects and textures, then work your way through the options.

What else can I change? You can disable VSync if you have trouble hearing the shots. Some users have had the problem that enemy shots have no sound and disabling VSync has helped here. This was also the case in our test.

You should adjust the brightness if you are sitting in a particularly bright or dark room. However, attitude is subjective and you have to find your own optimal value.

More about Outriders on DLPrivateServer:

  • Reviews on Steam and Metacritic show how polarizing Outriders are
  • I yelled at my monitor for the first time in years because of the escorts.
  • Outriders is “done”, but the DLC could still continue the story

DirectX 11 and 12 against stuttering

DirectX is a graphical interface that probably all PC gamers use, even if they do not know it directly. Some time ago, the latest version, DirectX 12, was released.

However, this always causes problems because DirectX12 does not work smoothly for some users. There is stuttering and stuttering in the game, almost like with micro-lags, but only permanently.

Outriders asks you when you start on Steam if you want to use DirectX 11 or 12. If you notice a stutter, just change the version, no matter in which direction. That can help.

The problem should be fixed anyway or it should already be fixed. Outriders is getting its first major patch and stuttering with DirectX is one of the building sites.

Better and more enjoyable cinematics without wobbling

Here’s how cinematics are improved: For better cut scenes, you need to adjust two settings:

  • Video Stream Camera Stabilization: 1.00 (in “Game”)
  • Video stream Max. FPS: 120 (on “Screen”)

When it stabilizes you can start at 0.25 and then go up if you lose the immersion due to a camera that is too quiet. By 1.00 am, the wobble in the cutscenes has almost completely disappeared.

That’s why it’s useful: Outriders often interrupt the game with cutscenes in which the characters talk to each other or the landscape is shown. There have been complaints about camera performance since the demo and scenes are limited to 30 FPS by default.

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The image is constantly shaking, as if someone is filming everything with a shaking hand and a handheld camera, as in an amateur movie. The spin is quite nice and suited to the harsh post-apocalypse, but it can make some players dizzy or lightheaded.

The wobbly cut scenes were one of the big criticisms of the Outriders show.

Nvidia DLSS: performance or quality?

If you have an Nvidia graphics card, you can enable DLSS (“Deep Learning Super Sampling”) in the display options. This means that your graphics card is constantly adapting while gaming, so that your setup works optimally for your needs. You have five options here:

  • Ultra performance
  • Energy
  • Balanced
  • quality
  • Outside

With a focus on performance, you get more FPS out of your game, with quality, everything looks better. We recommend the “Balanced” or “Performance” setting if you are playing with the graphics options listed above.

Basically, DLSS helps to achieve a smoother and more enjoyable game. However, when you focus on performance, it can happen that details like hair suddenly look a bit tangled. Better to test which setting you like the best.

You can actually pause Outriders in single player, but only on PC

Automatic loot cap on “Frequent” for better loot

In the game options you will find the “Minimum rarity (automatic harvest)” setting. By default, these settings are set to Epic. We recommend changing this limit to “Often”.

After all, Outriders is a loot shooter and you can make money from loot you don’t need outright or you can dismantle it. You can now draw powerful mods for rare (“blue”) items, and the Outriders crafting system is particularly successful.

You can even disassemble the dam on the fly if you carry too much. With the “H” key you can collect all the loot in the area above the minimum rarity. You can reassign this key under “Control” in the menu.

If you want to have better loot, you must level up the world. There is also an option in the game menu for this: Set the maximum world level automatically. Set this setting to “On” and you will always play with as many animals in the world as possible.

This makes the game more difficult, but you also collect stronger gear. And to reach more levels, you have to play in the heavier ones anyway. You can find more about this in our guide:


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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