5 Reasons to use the MY.ID Domain for Website

Choosing the right domain for your personal website is important. Why? Because your website will describe your self-image. Choosing a website domain name must also be unique so that it is easier to remember.

Apart from .COM, there are many domain extensions that you can use, you know! However, we recommend the my.id domain to create a personal website. You are not sure which one to use? Or are you wondering what are the advantages over other domains?

Relax, we have several reasons why your my.id domain is worthy of your use. So, because this domain is relatively new, we will explain a little about the my.id domain first.

Come on, just look at the explanation below.

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What is the MY.ID Domain?

5 Reasons to Use MY.ID Domain?

2.1 1. Cheaper Prices

2.2 2. Presenting Self Identity

2.3 3. More Domain Name Choices

2.4 4. Chances of Appearing on Google First Page are High

5. Faster Access

Use MY.ID Domain Now!

What is MY.ID Domain?

MY.ID domain is a type of .ID domain officially managed by the Indonesian Internet Domain Name Manager (PANDI). This domain is specifically for personal websites, such as portfolio websites , personal blogs , or personal email addresses .

When first launched, the MY.ID domain registration process requires verification of identity data using a KTP or passport. However, at this time, the KTP or passport verification process is no longer required. You only need to verify an email that is still active.

The use of the MY.ID domain continues to increase. One month after it was launched, Pandi noted that MY.ID domain registrants increased more than 10 times , from 207 users to 2,491 users. Interestingly, the increase was dominated by millennials.

So what are the advantages of MY.ID domain so that many people start to look at it? Check out the full answer below.

5 Reasons to Use MY.ID Domain? 

Here are 5 reasons why you should use the MY.ID domain!

  1. Cheaper Prices 

You don’t have to pay a lot to buy a MY.ID domain. For only Rp.25,000 you can get it. In fact, the price is five times cheaper than a .COM domain! Don’t believe it? Check out the pricing table below!

  1. Presenting Self Identity 

MY.ID domain is specifically intended for personal websites. From the name, MY. ID can represent the website as “my identity” or “my international domain”. So this domain is perfect for personal websites such as blogs or portfolio websites.

However, keep in mind, a good domain name is not enough to represent your identity. You also have to maximize the content of your website content with the best posts.

For example, for example, a personal blog belonging to gunawan.my.id .

On the blog, Gunawan (the blog owner) often posts articles related to information technology, graphic design, and web design. He also frequently posts tutorials related to technology and design.

Then on the Whois (about) page , it also displays detailed personal information. Complete with educational background, experience working in technology, skills, and also the awards that have been won.

Also read: 7 Steps to Create a Strong Personal Branding Blog 

  1. More Domain Name Choices

Compared to the .COM domain, the MY.ID domain is still not widely used. This means that there are still a lot of possibilities for domain names with the extension MY.ID. You don’t have to bother changing the domain name of your choice.

Let’s take a look at the results of the following domain names check.

As you can see, there are still quite a lot of options to use your name with the my.id domain.

Order Domain ID for Website, Now!

  1. Chances of Appearing on Google’s First Page are High

MY.ID domain is a type of .ID domain (ccTLD). It turns out that this domain can increase website ranking on Google search pages. Especially in Indonesian users search.

Why? Reporting from MOZ , Google will detect that the website is relevant and relates to a certain area, in this case Indonesia.

So, if your specific target audience is in Indonesia, the MY.ID domain is the right choice. Your website also has the opportunity to appear on the first page of Google, even in the first rank.

Also read: 5 Advantages of Domain ID You Must Know

  1. Faster Access 

Apart from increasing the chances of appearing on the first page of search engines, the MY.ID domain also makes access faster. Why? This is because the Domain Name Server (DNS) is in Indonesia and is managed by PANDI.

So, visitors to the MY.ID domain website can access the website faster and save bandwidth. If the access is fast and easy, visitors will be satisfied with the performance of your website. This can indirectly affect the quality of your SEO.

Use MY.ID Domain Now! 

That’s the advantage of the MY.ID domain which is very suitable for creating a personal website or blog. It turns out that with the MY.ID domain you can be much more cost effective than using a .COM domain. There are also more domain choices available.

You also don’t need to worry that your website will lose competitiveness from the .COM domain website because the MY.ID domain is considered more relevant to Indonesian users. The most important thing is that a website with this domain can be a self-image or a representation of yourself.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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